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Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 30% off your order! Offer expires 3/27/12

Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 30% off your order! Offer expires 3/27/12.

Monday, July 13, 2015

ANNOUNCEMENT: New website is comming

My dear readers, The post that I have scheduled is late because I'm in preparation of a web site. The website name will be The website will be online in 2 weeks, and the next post will be in the part for blog on . Thank you for your understanding. On the website thee will be more stuff for everyone, and it will be better to interact with you, my valued readers.
See you in 2 weeks with lot of new stuff and new information about wellness, sport, and everything that will make your life more happier.
For every other information be free to contact me  

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


My dear readers, first I want to thank you for following me and I see great interest from many of you to change the current situation, and how to live more fulfilled lives . I apologize for my bad English, so I can fully convey my thoughts precisely, and sometimes can lose the significance. I hope I will help you in every possible way to improve your life, and if you succeed, even by one percent to make you feel better, happier and fulfilled, that for me is a huge success. Therefore I will continue with perseverance to try helping all who so wish from me, while I will enjoy it helping everyone becoming happy.

But move on. The first and main thing to know is your starting point, from where to start the changes in your lives. How will you determine the starting point? What you are lacking in life? What can I change,while it will improve all other aspects of my life? Do you live your life the way you want? Have you fulfilled your dreams? Why every morning I find it difficult to get up and start the day? And at the end the most important question, which you should asking yourself daily, just to know whether it is the right path, and that question is: AM I HAPPY.
It is the first and the only step you need to do for start, if you plan to make a better life All the other steps and things that you should take to improve some aspect of your life will be easier if you are honest with yourself about this issue. 3 years ago I wrote a post "How to be happy," seeing from the current point of view, is too superficial and the problems were touched superficially, while not giving guidance on how to correct them,I apologize for that and now I will fix it. Really would like to help any who would like to be happier, it will be a great pleasure to me.
What does it mean AM I HAPPY?
Each my day starts with a song, there is nothing difficult for me today and with ease I finish everything required of me today. To live my dream. Every thing I am doing, I'm doing with love. I have impeccable health. I am enjoying in the nature that surrounds me.To love yourself. To love all people that are around me. Helping others that need help. With excitement to wait any moment of the day and to expect wonderful moments throughout all day. Spend a wonderful time with the family and friends. At night I go to sleep excited about what awaits me tomorrow and falling asleep quickly with a smile on my face. Shortly so is felt happy man.
Most of you, my dear readers, will say, what is he speaking about, it's a nonsense? How can something to excites me in this fast and stressful world? How I can find time to enjoy in the nature when we do not have time to had a decent meal? How to enjoy with the family, when hardly you can see them? How to fall asleep with a smile, when I struggle with my bills, problems at work and restless sleep, or even worse I have no time to sleep.
How do I know this? Because I was at your place, without time, with health ruined , I looked 20 years older , I had no time to spend with my family, I hated myself for all that I become.,I hated my responsibilities, in one word I felt miserable.

How I changed all that?
First I felt a huge void in me, and did not know with what to fill that void, so I looked quick  formula for happiness , which made me even more wretched. But I didn't quit. I started to read a lot, especially books on motivation, books on success. Although I read a lot, I applied little of what I have learned, so it does not get to the desired change. The biggest change in my life happened when I touched the very bottom, when I was left alone, penniless and unhappy. From that day I made some decisions which today I adhere to.
And because I have come to that point, I opened this blog so that others do not have to pass that way. My life was literally "Per aspera ad astra" Through thorns to the stars. Follow the examples of those who did something, because it is wise, but there are people who do not want to learn from the examples of others, and consider true only the that has happened to them and only thus developed, and they are people who want through blood and pain to develop, which is much slower and more painful than to learn from someone who has survived it. Believe me I do not want anyone in the world to experience the things that have happened to me. However the decision is yours, but you are smart people and know what is best for you, and therefore act, and when you will, no one will condemn anyone for whatever you decide. 
Since we learned what is the most important issue in life, we know the foundation from which we should start. 
In my next post I will write about how to start practically applying things for being happier and how to change your life forever.
Greetings and have a wonderful day. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Good day my readers, today I will write about the diet which will help you to faster detoxify your body. In a previous post I wrote about the most common ways of detoxification used today, and today at the end of the post I will write the way that I use to detoxify my body.
How should look
the meal schedule for everyone who wants to detoxify their body.
There are some rules we must follow for our body to function optimally. We must eat every 3 hours, since any food we eat stay in the stomach for 3 hours. In time, if you are eating this way, the need for quantities of food will be reduced, since our body uses less energy for digestion. Our body with ease will  meet the daily needs of proteins, sugars, fats, vitamins and minerals. The body has need of little food, if the quality of the food is met. With this diet, our body is not overloaded , nutrients are entered all the time and there is no shortage of any of them. Daily needs depend on many factors, age, fitness, lifestyle, physical activity and many others. If someone wants to know what is their daily needs, depending on lifestyle, be free to contact me on and I will calculate the daily needs of nutrients.

 Meals schedule throughout the day:
Breakfast - Immediately after getting up drink about half a liter of water, and breakfast should be eaten no later than 1 hour after getting out of bed. 

1st Snack - 3 hours after breakfast, I recommend fruit for this snack.Then, depending on your obligations, you can have lunch or snacks again. 
2nd snack - 3 hours after the first snack or after lunch, I recommend a salad with yogurt to satisfies need of proteins that your body has 
Lunch - 3 hours after the first or second snack. No restrictions 
Dinner - 3 hours after lunch or snacks after the second. Lighter foods that digest easily and that will not overload your body during sleep. 
The most important thing is to drink water, 1 liter of water per 25 kg of body weight per day.

I start my day with a half liter of water. In the first hour after getting up I drink meal replacement - Herbalife shake.
In 3 hours I have my first snack, I eat fruit as much as I can till satiety.
Because of my obligations, always after the first snack I have second snack, 3 hours after the first, half a liter of semi skimmed yogurt with a salad without limitation till
satiety .
In 3 hours I have lunch, and I eat everything that we are having for lunch. 

Here I've noticed the biggest difference, respectively, with this way of eating my needs for large quantity of food is reduced, so I eat less food, and I don't feel need for overeating.
Lastly 3 hours after lunch I eat another meal replacement from Herbalife for dinner.The whole process of feeding from breakfast to dinner should last 12 hours. This is the optimal time for food intake and our body is always engaged in digestion and therefore consumes the least energy for it, we do not feel the need for overeating because the glycemic index is normal and there is no jumps in insulin secretion, also this is the best way for detoxification of the body, by my opinion.


Dear readers, feel free to ask me about everything that interest you, it will be my pleasure to help you. Contact me 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Good day my dear readers, today I will write about the ways of detoxification of the body. Due to the the size of the topic, I will divide this post in 2 parts.In previous post I wrote it about the impact of the high energy food to our body and the symptoms of the overeating with it.

Because the accumulation of large amounts of toxins in the liver, our body turns into stage of cleansing. During the stage of cleansing of our body, the liver and kidneys perform most of the work. While the time of the duration of the stage of cleansing, we have to use food rich in cellulose or plant fibers, such as salads, fruits, and we should avoid foods with high amounts of fat and sugars . Why we have to avoid foods high in fat and sugars? Because we have to consider to help our body to finish out the detoxification completely. It is known that fat and sugar are primarily metabolized and all other processes are left on hold. Therefore the intake of larger amounts of fats and sugars stops the process of detoxification, since the primary function of the liver is to metabolize the food.All other processes are left on hold until the completing the metabolism of the new nutrients. Solution, we take food rich in cellulose and plant fibers during detoxification, to help
our body to faster get rid of the toxins.  
How many ways of detoxification we know?

A classic way of detoxification, where we don't care too much about the needs of our body. This method of detoxification is the slowest and most energy consuming for our body. Time to dispose of the excess toxins, during this classic method are the longest, and also needs long time to get the organism back in order.
There are also some variations on this subject, which is not about detoxification, but for loosing weight. The body is loaded with a lot of protein and fat of animal origin. In these so-called protein diets, the body needs a huge amount of energy for metabolizing  nutrients, during that process the  toxins are not removed from our body. 

 People who use these diets lose weight, but inflict enormous damage on their bodies. Loss of weight is caused by the exhaustion of our body energy  to digest the high nutrient supply. So you get the effect, eat large amounts of fatty foods and foods high in animal protein and lose weight faster. In this way of weight loss, our body is not performing detoxification, instead the body is filling up with large amounts of toxins. Due to the inability to flush out the toxins from the body, it begins to emerge lot  health problems like high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis, and finally, heart attacks and strokes.
But to get on the track here, and to tell you about the ways of detoxification of our body.  As far as  the types of diets and their effects on your health, I will write it in another post.  
Other types of detoxification are food-borne, using large amounts of fruits and vegetables and large amounts of water, Filled by large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are added in addition to the diet. 
And detoxification through food-borne diet and physical exercises which help rapid removal of toxins from the body.
In general, these two ways of detoxification are very similar and give excellent results,which way your going to use is determined depending on yourself and your available time.Most important thing in the detoxification process is that intake of food must be every 3 hours, quantity of the food must not be limited, or you eat until you are satiated. In order everything to be OK and you to not feeling hungry, during the process of detoxification, there is only one condition to met, and this is a protein factor or daily protein intake. Proteins in foods give us the feeling of satiety. Because each person is different, so the coefficient is different for everyone. If you want to know your protein factor, you can always contact me, so I will calculate it for you. 
Which foods should be consumed:All kinds of fresh fruits without limitation, but only till 12 at noon.All kinds of fresh vegetables that you can find on the market or in shopping centers. You can eat them all day without any restriction.Meat:  turkey meat, fish(freshwater and sea), low fat beef meat, seafood, use it 2-3 times a week, cooked on steam, by boiling, or baking but without cooking oil.Oil which you can use for eating are cold pressed oils that are not heat-treated and refined in any way.To meet the protein factor you can also include milk and dairy products such as yogurt, without any additives and with reduced fat.And for the last the one of the most important things that if you do not practice, detoxification can not be performed, is drinking water, plain water, not soda, not sweetened or juices or cold tea, nothing but fresh water in quantities of 1 liter of water per 25 kg body weight per day.

For the exercises I will write whole post and then I will suggest where you can merge it with the food for better detoxification.
In the next post I will write about the schedule of meals throughout the day and my choice of detoxification that I'm doing my own. Thank you for your attention and please contact me at if you have any questions. 

Monday, April 27, 2015


      It has been almost a month from the last big holidays. Holidays are known for the family gatherings, meetings with relatives that we have not been seen for a long time, short break from work and work commitments, and finally eating large quantities of homemade food.

     We all know how we feel day or week after the holidays. Depends on the amount of food that we have eaten and its energy value, some people also feel the effects today: fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, heart palpitations, irregular stools, insomnia, loss of concentration, restless sleep, etc.
     How to remove the effects of overeating, what should I do to return the body to a normally functioning? What causes high energy food in our body, why these problems occur and finally the most important how to solve these problems.
      High energy food, supplies the body with too much energy, and our body uses a lot of energy to digest the high energy food. So after heavy meals, we always get sleepy, because the blood is rushing to the intestines for faster digest. First, we are feel sleepy, and when we sleep we have restless sleep, because for the processes of digestion, the energy consumption in our body is high. 
      The nutrients have to be processed. Nutrients,in order to be consumed by our cells, and to be embedded in the cell, first he nutrients must  be broken down to its basic building blocks, and it is going like this: proteins decompose to amino acids, sugars to simple sugars, and fats to fatty acids. All these processes take place in the liver, and in the process they spent an enormous amount of energy and time.  The fastest metabolizing nutrients are sugars, then the proteins, and the longest time in metabolizing are taken by the  fat.

      So when you wake up the morning, after consuming large amounts of high-energy food, everybody feels like you have worked hard physical work for a whole night . During the metabolizing in the liver, liver creates a lot of waste, also known as toxins, and they are stored in the liver, which is then gradually discharged through the urine, the sweat and the feces.
      The duration of the holidays is a very big problem for our body, because the overeating is not limited to one meal, overeating happens it all day, and last 3-4 days. After such a long time consumption of high energy food rich in fat, especially unsaturated fat, the body absorbs a large quantity of toxins. Since the large quantities of food we put into our body, our body is exhausted and all supplies of vitamins, minerals and enzymes are completely spent. That also creates another problem, which is larger than the previous one. In general, our body is very economical "machine", so it doesn't spending anything that can be used later on, but it turns it into a fat and it is stored in the subcutaneous tissue and around the internal organs. But this will be the topic for another post, since it will take too much time and space.  
      If the food isn't digested completely, unmetabolized nutrients due to the inability to process completely is converted to fat. Also, extra nutrients that can't be used at the same time also are converted into fat and they are stored. We will need a lot of storage place, is it true? Yes, that storage place or body warehouse for fat is under the skin and around internal organs like we have said upper in the post.
      The conclusion is when our body get extra energy it convert it from one to other type, that can be stored, simple and efficient, but in this days of abundant life, this is one of the largest problems of the mankind. 
      All these things together, and use of excess amounts of alcohol, do enormous damage to our metabolism.     Our body needs to return to normal, and those processes sometimes take from 2 to 4 months, and if you are not careful about what we eat and put into our bodies, it will only get worse further, until compensating mechanisms of our body begin to give up. This is the first step toward the diseases.     In the next post I will write how to perform the detoxification of our body, the fastest time needed to restore all reserves of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are essential for our daily processes in our body, and how to restore the necessary balance of our body.

     Dear friends, if you have any question, don't hesitate ask me and I will be very pleased to answer about anything concerning your health. My e-mail is 

Friday, April 24, 2015


Dear readers, after a long absence, I've decided to write to you. I have been disabled to write for a longer time, because, I have other duties. I hope that I will have more time to communicate with my valued readers. If you have any suggestions about what do you want to read, related with wellness, please contact me on .
I'm preparing the new posts, with a lot of new information from the newest trends in Wellness.

I'm here for you. Thank you for the trust

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Joy or sorrow

  My friends, you are choosing what and how is going to be yours life. To be filled with joy or to be empty and filled with sorrow for missed chances. For every closed door new one is opening, but if you are regretting for the closed one, even the new one may be closed. I met lot of people that has nothing in their lives, but still they don't do anything to change it, quite contrary, they blame it everyone for their condition. When you give them a chance to change something in their lives, they began to justify that this is not for me, I couldn't do it, everybody is against me and they will do anything to stop me to progress, and much more. You can't imagine what kind of excuses they are making just not to start.

That is all result of fear, fear from changes, fear from success, fear that others will laugh at you, fear of rejection, fear of failure. All that fear is reason to people to find all those silly excuses. 75% of the people wont do anything if you offer them a chance. They are willing to do nothing, and for their condition they will blame everybody. Why is that? Because they never took the responsibilities for their life, and they never make a step for better or for worse, because if they make a decision, than they can't blame others for their misery. They have a flock mentality, and do the things that others only do.
I always find a way to make my life more beautiful and better, I always jump on any chance that is good for me and for the others around me. My surrounding always have an opinion and always try to discourage me in any way. That is also flock mentality, because if someone is trying to get out from the flock, other members will do anything to get it back. When they can't do it, and if you make some success, they never going to congratulate you, just opposite, they want to disdain your success, and they will talk that luck, or help from some force is helping you to achieve your goals. They are doing that, just to justify their fear. They want to be rich, but with luck or even with a fraud.
That kind of people are better in misery. If by some chance they get a big amount of money, they will destroy their lives, because they are programed only to be miserable.
They can start changing n better only something bad or shocking hit them.
I'm writing this, because, I know that this blog read only people that want to make their life better, and want to change something in their lives. You are on the right place, where you can learn a better way of living and success.

I'm writing this to encourage you not to quit, because from 100 people that surounds you, 75% will try to kill your enthusiasm and they will feel better because it will show to them that you are same as they.
I knew a people that started to change their lives, but after lot of effort and rejection has quit, but I have also know a people that succeed, because they persisted in their efforts. They have fulfilled their goals and now they are living their dreams.
I know that we can together achieve a lot, I will be your strength, your supporter, your guide true the forest of problems and obstacles, and together we are going to touch the stars.
Joy or sorrow is you choice, if you are going to be successful or failure is depending only on you. Grab your life, and don't let others to tell you how to live your life.              

Friday, October 12, 2012

Why we must use dietary supplements

Supplements is becoming very important feature in modern man diet. First to know why we need supplements, we have to look in our food, and availability of the nutrients in that food.
For example, in 1985 the levels of vitamin C in apple was enough for our daily needs, but only 10 years later in 1995 the amount of apples that we have to eat to take the same amount of vitamin C was 5. Now we must eat at least 10 apples to take the right amount of the vitamin C for our daily needs. 
Even the World Health Organization ( WHO ) announced that if we want with our food to take all the needed nutrients, we have to consume over 5000 calories of food. And we know that, 1 kilo of fat is 7500 calories. Results are displayed on us very quick. Overweight and Obesity is result of malnutrition and starving of our bodies for the right nutrients. If our body don't take all the nutrients, it is feeling hungry. That is also why the meal portions are becoming bigger every year.
The soil is poorer every year with the nutrition elements that the plants need for the creation of the nutrients that we need. Something is back via artificial fertilizers, but the deficiency of micronutrients and big yields that is needed for growing population of the earth is even more impoverishes the poor soil. That is why the nutrition of our grandparents are more richer and less demanding. Also the quick way of life and the stress are destroying the low level nutrients.
That is why we need dietary supplements to be taken daily.   

Lot of people, including me till the last december, are strictly against the supplements. Why???
Because they are saying that with the food that we are eating we can take all the nutrients that our body needs, and the pills are creates resentment to them, like it was to me till the last december. I was the first against the supplements in pills, and I have a lot of health problems, like increased cholesterol and fat in the blood, high blood pressure, chronic gastritis, lack of energy, sleepiness, I ate big amounts of food and I had 135 kilograms, and lot more. But I was convinced that the supplements are bad for our health. In december, when I couldn't tie my shoes, and I had pains in my chest, I realized that I had to change something in my eating habits, and to change my life completely. When I start to use Herbalife I didn't realize that is going to change my life and my health. In 3 months, all of the symptoms have been gone, and I feel excellent, and never going to stop using the dietary supplements, because from december, I even haven't catch a cold in this 10 months. My blood is in great condition and my body too.
I am using 12 products from the Herbalife, and every month I add new. 
Why we have to be sick to start using something that is good for us, why we have to be on the rock bottom to start changing something? If we accept the changes it will be more easier for us. 
I am now the greater promotor of the dietary supplements, because it saved my life.
Change your life before it is too late, we have new  body every 11 months, so what we have ruined with bad nutrition during the years, we can change in 1 year, and it is short time, and it is going to prolong your life, it will bring happiness in your life and it is going to change everything on better. 
Everybody need quality nutrition. The most needed category is our children, because they are growing, for healthy growing, and to increase their immunity.
So not only our health is on stake, also the health of our dearest and their future.
The decision is yours, I have made may decision and i know that is right for me and for my family.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Importance of eating habits 5

Dear friends, this is the last post from this series. In previous posts, I've been writing you about the importance of every meal in the day, and why is that important for us. Today we are going to write about the flexibility of the meals and how we can change some meals with others.
Why is this important?
Because with the flexibility of our daily plan we can achieve more. Only fixed meals in the day are the breakfast and the first snack or like others call it brunch.
Other meals can be eaten according to your schedule.
If you have lunch brake during the day, than you can organize your plan like this:
1 hour after getting up:         breakfast
3hours after breakfast :         brunch (first snack)
3 hours after brunch :           lunch
3 hours after lunch:              second snack
3 hours after second snack:  dinner

Dependently if you don't have lunch brake than the schedule can be organized like this:

1 hour after getting up:         breakfast
3hours after breakfast :         brunch (first snack)
3 hours after brunch :           second snack
3 hours after lunch:              lunch
3 hours after second snack:  dinner

Flexibility of the meal is important for our freedom to decide what is better for us. Because lot of people are quitting from healthy way of life exactly for the reason that they think that the schedule for them is hard. Only thing that you need for starting the life and changing the way of living is decision and will to change something in your life.
Before I started to live the way I live now, I had only one meal during the day, and it was usually after work around 17 o'clock. I was 135 kilograms, and I get to the point where I could't tie my shoe-ties, because my stomach was all in body fat, and I was also with 13 % of visceral fat. I have 35 % of body fat, and my cholesterol and fat in the blood was increased. My blood pressure was high, also because of the way of life I had chronic gastritis. I ate once a day, a big quantities of food, I could't sleep well. If I haven't changed my way of life I would be ill, and it was only matter of time when I would had some serious health disorders.
My friends please, think for your health, thing about your future, think about your family, because, your children are doing the same things that you are doing, so if you are eating healthy, your children will follow your habits, so if you want your children to be healthy first you must eat healthy, than the children will follow your steps.
Your decisions are changing your life, but more important, you will change also the lives of the people that surrounds you.