
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Importance of eating habits 3

In the previous 2 posts I wrote about the importance of the breakfast and of the snacks. Our way of feeding is very important for our health. We should have 5 meals during a day. Quantity of the meal is very important, because, if we intake a lot of food, that food in our body is using a lot of energy to be processed, so we are feeling with a little energy, and we are feeling heaviness in our stomach. Lack of energy combined with stomach problems, reduce our our ability for fulfilling our working obligations, so it make us lazy, and sleepy. The problem is not only ours, but also our coworkers and bosses is seeing us like incapable for our responsibilities. Overeating is becoming a big social problem and the root for disagreements between the colleagues.
Today I am going to write about the:
Importance of lunch

       In this stressful times, where everybody is speeding everywhere, and do not have time for normal meal, usually they eat something quick and prepared like fast food, pizzas, meals with lot of grease and calories, but with low nutrients. 

Our bodies, because the lack of nutrients, is wanting more food to satisfy the hunger of the cells for the right nutrients. That is the initial spark that is starting the fire of overweight. When the fire of overeating is big, then we realize that something is wrong with us, because all the clothes that we where wearing is becoming too small for us. We are realizing  that something is very wrong with us, but we can not determine what. Than we are starting skipping the meals, and we make the situation more worse. The lack of nutrients is becoming the thing that is destroying our body. Because we are skipping the meals, our body is taking so needing nutrients from our muscles, and it is deposing as fat, because every skipped meal, our body is determining as starvation. So that is why after every reduction diet, our body composition is changing to worse, or in simple words, the muscle tissue our body is transferring into a fat tissue. That is why after all reduction diets, our weight is coming on the last weight, and it is gaining more weight, also called yo-yo effect. 
So to stop the circle of gaining the weight, we must balance the meals and we must take all the nutrients with the meals, so our body can redistribute the right nutrients to the parts of the body that is needed. 
Every cell in our body is replaced by the new one, dependently on the tissue, from 3 month till 11 month, except the bone and cartilages, that are replaced in 7 years. So we are getting new body every 11 months, so can some changes be undone? For sure, every change that we made with a bad nutrition can be undone with right nutrition for the 12 months. So if we start to eat the right way, we can not expect that the changes will be made over night. Every process in the body is taking much time, like for the worst or for the better. Every condition of the body is reparable, only we need the right decision, and the right way of feeding. 
Every meal in the day is important. The lunch is the meal that we intake the biggest amount of food in our body, and it is important, because, the energy from the lunch, and from the dinner is depositing for night redistribution of the energy, and the energy need for the daily needs.
        The needs for the nutrients, are satisfied with small amounts of the right food. 
The lunch must be 3 hours after the brunch(first snack). The stomach is empty, and it is prepared for the food intake. Then, our body with the least energy is processing the food, and it is distributed through the body with the optimum energy needed for it. Then the energy levels in the body is high, and we do not feel the sleepiness, or fatigue, and we can continue with the normal obligations. 
The work time of the modern man is changed, and it is usually, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., and the meals are usually skipped. But with the right plan, and the right planning, we don't take the meals as obligation, but we consume it in the right time, and with the right quantities. 
The last post from this series is going to be about the flexibility of the meals, and how can you adjust it to your needs. 
Next post is going to be for the dinner and its importance.
Everything is in our rich, only we need to rich it for.        

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