Everybody is talking about healthy living and lot of people think that they are living healthy. They eat lot of vegetables and fruits, do not eat red meat, eat lot of food that is rich in essential amino acids, do not consume saturated and trans fats, but their health is not improving, just opposite it is getting worse.
Why is that? That is because they do not have steady eating habits, and because they are jumping meals. First and most significant part of human feeding is that we have to have 5 - 6 meals a day. Our body is designed like a machine, and it has its own biological clock. We make habits, and that habits we are repeating every day. When we want to make a habit, we repeat it on long enough that is becoming thing that we are doing it without thinking, every day in the same time. That is the same also with feeding habits. We must settle habits for our sake, and we have to do them without thinking. What is important for everyone of us is that we must eat every day in the same time, if it is possible, or to make such a biorhythm that we are doing the things the same way no matter when we had up in the morning. It is the schedule that is going like this:
- Breakfast: 1 hour after waking up.
- Brunch: 3 hours after breakfast
- Lunch : 3 hours after the brunch
- Snack : 3 hours after the lunch
- Dinner : 3 hours after the snack
Every meal we are going to explain in the next post. Today the most importance we are going to give to the breakfast.
Let me tell you what kind of people are surrounding us.
There is a 2 kind of people. First one are those, that are enjoying in the food, and consume a lot of food with lots of calories, but poor in nutrients. They have a rich breakfast with lot of proteins, carbs and fat, especially saturated fats.
For snacks they also have rich meals with a lot of fats and carbs, and with soft drinks, like chips, pies, chocolate, cakes, cola etc.
Lunches and dinners are also rich in proteins with lot of fats.
Main characteristics of this food is that is with lots of calories but little nutrients, and that is why they are filling hungry. Their body wants vitamins, minerals, fiber, for that, they are eating more, and they are making their condition worse, because they can enter in their bodies up to 5000 calories a day. We all know that to gain 1 kilo of fat we have to take 7500 calories, and the need of our body is: for women 1000-1200 calories, and for man 1500-2000 calories a day.
They are usually fat and with almost no recreation at all, and they develop lots of diseases that are connected with bad nutrition.
Other kind of people are opposite form the first one.
They are usually skipping meals, they don't have any breakfast, first meal is some kind of fruit 4-5 hours after getting up, after that they eat some salad, and they have dinner usually rich in carbs like pasta. They daily intake of calories is from 500-700 calories, with small amounts that is not enough for daily needs of the body of proteins,carbs and fats. They look slim, but their body composition is very bad. Because they do not take enough food their body is starving, and that is why, their bodies every food that they take, is transferring in to fat. They are loosing their muscles and their metabolism is slowing, that's why they do not have energy for they daily obligations.
These people has one mutual feature, they are destroying their bodies, and their bodies are warned out before their time.
So how we have to eat to make our body healthier???
Importance of healthy breakfast
Why the breakfast is so important for us?
Because the breakfast is fueling up our body for the next day, and it is main source of energy for our body. During the night, our body is rebuilding the energy that has been used the day before. Also is building the muscles for more efficient functioning, and it feel up the sarcoplasm with glycogen, the sugar, that muscles are using for their functioning.
So in the morning our body is all fueled out. If we do not enter the energy that it needs, the body will begin to use up the muscles.
Do you know that if your breakfast is missing, the body is beginning to store fats, because absence of breakfast our body is look on like starving, so it has to storage energy for morning needs. That is why our body every next meal is storing it like a fat.
Breakfast is important for normal functioning of our body, and fat building is determined by the breakfast and its quality.
This chart is showing how the breakfast is stabilizing, or destabilizing our body energy.
Have you noticed that when you have rich breakfast, 1 hour after you have taken the breakfast, your energy is dropped down, and you must take a coffee or other stimulant that will "wake you up". That is because the heavy breakfast is making big insulin reaction. The sugar level is getting very high, and the insulin is used to quickly drop the sugar levels down. That is very demanding process and it is use energy. That is why we are experiencing big energy drop.
But this is rising the question, what we should eat for breakfast?
First we have to get know what is meal, and what is a snack?
Meal is from 200 calories and up, and everything that is below 200 calories is known as a snack.
Best breakfast that I use, and never going to quit is Formula 1 Shake from Herbalife. It is most optimized breakfast with 117 nutrients that is feeding up my body with all the important nutrients that I need, and it have only 220 calories. It gives me the energy that I need, and don't make insulins reaction, because is rich in complex carbs, without presence of simple carbs, that is triggering the insulin reaction. It has 17,5 grams of proteins and only 1,5 grams of fat. It has 95-98% consumption rate and it is the only food, together with the mothers milk, with that consumption rate.
This is the most perfect and balanced breakfast that you are going need, ever. I'm using it and my life has changed since then, because, I don't lose energy, I feel great, it is light meal and its processing is quick, and my body is energized for the rest of the day.
I have witnessed how lot of people have changed their lives, with only changing their breakfast habits.
I want to help people, and I'm helping them by improving their nutrition and their lifestyle.
If you want to change something, first you have to start changing is you.