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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Basic principles of healthy food

Proper and healthy food has become one of the most important problems of modern man. In the modern family, in which both parents are employed, because of lifestyle and habits acquired, women and man are not able to organize the time, so they do not have time to devote to their health and feeding habits, so they must eat in hurry and eat the junk food that is always present around us, and it saving us time for food preparation.
 We who are lucky enough to grow up with our grandmothers who are not employed, we know the value of carefully prepared food and the real value of healthy feeding.
Our health, creativity, efficiency and our mood are directly connected to our feeding habits. Proper and healthy diet helps the individuals to more easily cope with the life's difficulties and to protect us from many physical and mental illness. Healthy diet in the families is resulting with better and more regular spiritual development of the children and more joy, happiness and love in communication and community life.
If you want to change something in your life and nutrition, if you want to discover and select very simple principles, products and recipes for better life.

From the ancient times it is known that we are what we are eating, because everything that exist on our planet has its own vibration and impact of the environment. So, from what we take into our body depends on the functioning of our whole system, our thoughts and feelings, behavior, attitude toward the entire life course and our health.
Like Hippocrates had said, "Your food will be thy medicine", and after decades of researches made by modern medicine, came to conclusion that some diseases, precisely over 70% of known diseases are food related.
Healthy foods are foods that does not contain too much protein and fat (especially animal fats, the kind found in meat, eggs, cheese, fish), and is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - and that is plant-based foods, fruits, whole grains, seeds. 
The First Book of Moses, called Genesis, says: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb that bears seed over the earth and all native tree bearing seed, it will be for food." (Genesis 1:29 <D>)
Taking the variety of food, but properly combined, has a crucial importance for proper nutrition. To have healthy body and to function normally, we all need to intake all the ingredients necessary for the renewal of cells in which a more ideal quantities. Not every organism is the same and does not require the same ratio of nutrients, so it is so necessary to  "listening" our body, working with it and respect its needs. If we were able to meet and monitor the needs of our body and that in accordance with the food, to avoid disease and aging. Intake of food (especially intaking of great quantities of meat and dairy products) and the wrong attitude towards food, we unconsciously poison and destroy our bodies and shorten our natural life and health span.
To be fed properly, it is very important that you follow the appropriate time for a meal and do not eat uncontrollably, at any time, without thinking. However, we should not skip meals and bring the body into a state of malnutrition, because it then leads to the destruction of certain brain cells, the instability of the nervous system and reduce the resistance of the whole organism.
Contact me if you want more information about healthy feeding.

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