Be the best

Be the best

Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 30% off your order! Offer expires 3/27/12

Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 30% off your order! Offer expires 3/27/12.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Joy or sorrow

  My friends, you are choosing what and how is going to be yours life. To be filled with joy or to be empty and filled with sorrow for missed chances. For every closed door new one is opening, but if you are regretting for the closed one, even the new one may be closed. I met lot of people that has nothing in their lives, but still they don't do anything to change it, quite contrary, they blame it everyone for their condition. When you give them a chance to change something in their lives, they began to justify that this is not for me, I couldn't do it, everybody is against me and they will do anything to stop me to progress, and much more. You can't imagine what kind of excuses they are making just not to start.

That is all result of fear, fear from changes, fear from success, fear that others will laugh at you, fear of rejection, fear of failure. All that fear is reason to people to find all those silly excuses. 75% of the people wont do anything if you offer them a chance. They are willing to do nothing, and for their condition they will blame everybody. Why is that? Because they never took the responsibilities for their life, and they never make a step for better or for worse, because if they make a decision, than they can't blame others for their misery. They have a flock mentality, and do the things that others only do.
I always find a way to make my life more beautiful and better, I always jump on any chance that is good for me and for the others around me. My surrounding always have an opinion and always try to discourage me in any way. That is also flock mentality, because if someone is trying to get out from the flock, other members will do anything to get it back. When they can't do it, and if you make some success, they never going to congratulate you, just opposite, they want to disdain your success, and they will talk that luck, or help from some force is helping you to achieve your goals. They are doing that, just to justify their fear. They want to be rich, but with luck or even with a fraud.
That kind of people are better in misery. If by some chance they get a big amount of money, they will destroy their lives, because they are programed only to be miserable.
They can start changing n better only something bad or shocking hit them.
I'm writing this, because, I know that this blog read only people that want to make their life better, and want to change something in their lives. You are on the right place, where you can learn a better way of living and success.

I'm writing this to encourage you not to quit, because from 100 people that surounds you, 75% will try to kill your enthusiasm and they will feel better because it will show to them that you are same as they.
I knew a people that started to change their lives, but after lot of effort and rejection has quit, but I have also know a people that succeed, because they persisted in their efforts. They have fulfilled their goals and now they are living their dreams.
I know that we can together achieve a lot, I will be your strength, your supporter, your guide true the forest of problems and obstacles, and together we are going to touch the stars.
Joy or sorrow is you choice, if you are going to be successful or failure is depending only on you. Grab your life, and don't let others to tell you how to live your life.              

Friday, October 12, 2012

Why we must use dietary supplements

Supplements is becoming very important feature in modern man diet. First to know why we need supplements, we have to look in our food, and availability of the nutrients in that food.
For example, in 1985 the levels of vitamin C in apple was enough for our daily needs, but only 10 years later in 1995 the amount of apples that we have to eat to take the same amount of vitamin C was 5. Now we must eat at least 10 apples to take the right amount of the vitamin C for our daily needs. 
Even the World Health Organization ( WHO ) announced that if we want with our food to take all the needed nutrients, we have to consume over 5000 calories of food. And we know that, 1 kilo of fat is 7500 calories. Results are displayed on us very quick. Overweight and Obesity is result of malnutrition and starving of our bodies for the right nutrients. If our body don't take all the nutrients, it is feeling hungry. That is also why the meal portions are becoming bigger every year.
The soil is poorer every year with the nutrition elements that the plants need for the creation of the nutrients that we need. Something is back via artificial fertilizers, but the deficiency of micronutrients and big yields that is needed for growing population of the earth is even more impoverishes the poor soil. That is why the nutrition of our grandparents are more richer and less demanding. Also the quick way of life and the stress are destroying the low level nutrients.
That is why we need dietary supplements to be taken daily.   

Lot of people, including me till the last december, are strictly against the supplements. Why???
Because they are saying that with the food that we are eating we can take all the nutrients that our body needs, and the pills are creates resentment to them, like it was to me till the last december. I was the first against the supplements in pills, and I have a lot of health problems, like increased cholesterol and fat in the blood, high blood pressure, chronic gastritis, lack of energy, sleepiness, I ate big amounts of food and I had 135 kilograms, and lot more. But I was convinced that the supplements are bad for our health. In december, when I couldn't tie my shoes, and I had pains in my chest, I realized that I had to change something in my eating habits, and to change my life completely. When I start to use Herbalife I didn't realize that is going to change my life and my health. In 3 months, all of the symptoms have been gone, and I feel excellent, and never going to stop using the dietary supplements, because from december, I even haven't catch a cold in this 10 months. My blood is in great condition and my body too.
I am using 12 products from the Herbalife, and every month I add new. 
Why we have to be sick to start using something that is good for us, why we have to be on the rock bottom to start changing something? If we accept the changes it will be more easier for us. 
I am now the greater promotor of the dietary supplements, because it saved my life.
Change your life before it is too late, we have new  body every 11 months, so what we have ruined with bad nutrition during the years, we can change in 1 year, and it is short time, and it is going to prolong your life, it will bring happiness in your life and it is going to change everything on better. 
Everybody need quality nutrition. The most needed category is our children, because they are growing, for healthy growing, and to increase their immunity.
So not only our health is on stake, also the health of our dearest and their future.
The decision is yours, I have made may decision and i know that is right for me and for my family.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Importance of eating habits 5

Dear friends, this is the last post from this series. In previous posts, I've been writing you about the importance of every meal in the day, and why is that important for us. Today we are going to write about the flexibility of the meals and how we can change some meals with others.
Why is this important?
Because with the flexibility of our daily plan we can achieve more. Only fixed meals in the day are the breakfast and the first snack or like others call it brunch.
Other meals can be eaten according to your schedule.
If you have lunch brake during the day, than you can organize your plan like this:
1 hour after getting up:         breakfast
3hours after breakfast :         brunch (first snack)
3 hours after brunch :           lunch
3 hours after lunch:              second snack
3 hours after second snack:  dinner

Dependently if you don't have lunch brake than the schedule can be organized like this:

1 hour after getting up:         breakfast
3hours after breakfast :         brunch (first snack)
3 hours after brunch :           second snack
3 hours after lunch:              lunch
3 hours after second snack:  dinner

Flexibility of the meal is important for our freedom to decide what is better for us. Because lot of people are quitting from healthy way of life exactly for the reason that they think that the schedule for them is hard. Only thing that you need for starting the life and changing the way of living is decision and will to change something in your life.
Before I started to live the way I live now, I had only one meal during the day, and it was usually after work around 17 o'clock. I was 135 kilograms, and I get to the point where I could't tie my shoe-ties, because my stomach was all in body fat, and I was also with 13 % of visceral fat. I have 35 % of body fat, and my cholesterol and fat in the blood was increased. My blood pressure was high, also because of the way of life I had chronic gastritis. I ate once a day, a big quantities of food, I could't sleep well. If I haven't changed my way of life I would be ill, and it was only matter of time when I would had some serious health disorders.
My friends please, think for your health, thing about your future, think about your family, because, your children are doing the same things that you are doing, so if you are eating healthy, your children will follow your habits, so if you want your children to be healthy first you must eat healthy, than the children will follow your steps.
Your decisions are changing your life, but more important, you will change also the lives of the people that surrounds you.      

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Importance of eating habits 4

In previous 3 posts I wrote about the right eating habits, starting with breakfast, and today in this post, I'm going to write about the importance of the dinner.
In the first post from this series, I wrote that there is a 2 kind of people. Kind of people that love to eat, and the people that are skipping meals. But one thing that this kinds of people are sharing, is the dinner.
The first kind of people have rich dinner with lots of fats, proteins and sugar, but with low nutrients.
 Usually it is some pizza, or something fried. It is very heavy meal, and it makes a big problems to those people. Because they have overeaten, they have difficulties in processing the food. Their body is processing the food all night, and it is using all the energy that has left after the daily obligations. In the morning they are feeling very tired, and their energy level is low, so to boost little energy in their tired bodies, first thing that they are using in the morning is big amount of coffee or some strong tea, or with one word stimulants. Their usual excuse for that morning rite is that without coffee they can not function, and that is the right answer, they can't function because they energy is drained for processing the dinner, and the body has no time to replenish the energy in the muscles, and all other tissues that are needing reloading of the lost nutrients the day before.
Other kind of people that are thinking that they eat healthy, they are eating some light dinner.
  This is usually some pasta with the some salad, but not enough for the body needs. They are thinking that they eat healthy, but they are wrong. Why??? Why is this wrong?
Let me tell you why this kind of food is not good for our bodies. First it is rich in carbs, but poor in all other nutrients. The body needs all 117 nutrients, so it can replenish the nutrients used during the day, but we are giving to our body only pasta or salads, that has low or none nutrients in it. Our body then is using the sugar from the dinner to store fat, because it is starving, and after that it will try to process it to others nutrients that it need. But in this process of building of the nutrients that our body needs, our body is using the energy. The result is same like in the first case, our body is tired and without energy.
So what we have to eat for dinner.
Importance of healthy dinner
Let me tell you what is the right dinner for everybody. 
First, it is the end of feeding cycle and our body needs lot of nutrients. The dinner must be easy processable. Why? Because our body needs energy to be stored for the next day, and needs a easy accessible nutrients, that can easily be stored in to the places where it is needed.
You can choose big varieties of foods, like vegetables, fish and you must prefer it boiled or baked, not fried. Our body needs proteins, carbs, fats, minerals and vitamins. If we want to kept all those nutrients in the food intact, the food must be light processed or raw. It quantity must not be big, because, big quantities of food is our first enemy.
In the morning you will be up with no problems and your energy levels will be high. The need for stimulants in the morning is going to be obsolete. Why is that? Because, during the night, our body is reloading the nutrients where they have been spent, the body is rebuilding the sarcoplasm in the muscles, adding the glycogen in the muscles, rebuilding damaged myofibrils also in the muscles, adding the vitamins and minerals in the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, rebuilding the mucosa in the intestines and the stomach, rebuilding the blood cells, and for lot of processes that our body need to maintain our health.  
I will tell you about the dinner I take. I take a Herbalife F1 shake, because it has all the 117 nutrients that my body needs, and it has only 220 calories, and it has only 1,5 grams of fat and 18 grams of protein from vegetable origin, that is easy processed in the body . My body in the morning is rested, and I have energy for the whole day. I use Herballife shake for 10 months and I've lost 12 kilograms of weight, and I have lost over 18 kilograms of fat. I gained 6 kilos of muscle without training, and I have solved my problem with the chronic gastritis, I have lot of energy, I don't sleep after the lunch etc. And I use it only for breakfast and for dinner. 
The last post it will be for the flexibility of the meals and I'm going to explain more about it.      

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Importance of eating habits 3

In the previous 2 posts I wrote about the importance of the breakfast and of the snacks. Our way of feeding is very important for our health. We should have 5 meals during a day. Quantity of the meal is very important, because, if we intake a lot of food, that food in our body is using a lot of energy to be processed, so we are feeling with a little energy, and we are feeling heaviness in our stomach. Lack of energy combined with stomach problems, reduce our our ability for fulfilling our working obligations, so it make us lazy, and sleepy. The problem is not only ours, but also our coworkers and bosses is seeing us like incapable for our responsibilities. Overeating is becoming a big social problem and the root for disagreements between the colleagues.
Today I am going to write about the:
Importance of lunch

       In this stressful times, where everybody is speeding everywhere, and do not have time for normal meal, usually they eat something quick and prepared like fast food, pizzas, meals with lot of grease and calories, but with low nutrients. 

Our bodies, because the lack of nutrients, is wanting more food to satisfy the hunger of the cells for the right nutrients. That is the initial spark that is starting the fire of overweight. When the fire of overeating is big, then we realize that something is wrong with us, because all the clothes that we where wearing is becoming too small for us. We are realizing  that something is very wrong with us, but we can not determine what. Than we are starting skipping the meals, and we make the situation more worse. The lack of nutrients is becoming the thing that is destroying our body. Because we are skipping the meals, our body is taking so needing nutrients from our muscles, and it is deposing as fat, because every skipped meal, our body is determining as starvation. So that is why after every reduction diet, our body composition is changing to worse, or in simple words, the muscle tissue our body is transferring into a fat tissue. That is why after all reduction diets, our weight is coming on the last weight, and it is gaining more weight, also called yo-yo effect. 
So to stop the circle of gaining the weight, we must balance the meals and we must take all the nutrients with the meals, so our body can redistribute the right nutrients to the parts of the body that is needed. 
Every cell in our body is replaced by the new one, dependently on the tissue, from 3 month till 11 month, except the bone and cartilages, that are replaced in 7 years. So we are getting new body every 11 months, so can some changes be undone? For sure, every change that we made with a bad nutrition can be undone with right nutrition for the 12 months. So if we start to eat the right way, we can not expect that the changes will be made over night. Every process in the body is taking much time, like for the worst or for the better. Every condition of the body is reparable, only we need the right decision, and the right way of feeding. 
Every meal in the day is important. The lunch is the meal that we intake the biggest amount of food in our body, and it is important, because, the energy from the lunch, and from the dinner is depositing for night redistribution of the energy, and the energy need for the daily needs.
        The needs for the nutrients, are satisfied with small amounts of the right food. 
The lunch must be 3 hours after the brunch(first snack). The stomach is empty, and it is prepared for the food intake. Then, our body with the least energy is processing the food, and it is distributed through the body with the optimum energy needed for it. Then the energy levels in the body is high, and we do not feel the sleepiness, or fatigue, and we can continue with the normal obligations. 
The work time of the modern man is changed, and it is usually, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., and the meals are usually skipped. But with the right plan, and the right planning, we don't take the meals as obligation, but we consume it in the right time, and with the right quantities. 
The last post from this series is going to be about the flexibility of the meals, and how can you adjust it to your needs. 
Next post is going to be for the dinner and its importance.
Everything is in our rich, only we need to rich it for.        

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Importance of eating habits 2

Like I've said in the previous post, most important thing that we must do if we want to make our life healthier, is making our biorhythm precise and predictable. When we take the meals every day in the same time, then, our body is processing  the food with less loses.
Last post we explained why the breakfast is one of the most important meals. But if we have breakfast, and do not eat right during the day, every good think that the breakfast will do to us, we can destroy it with bad choice for the next meals.

Importance of the snacks

The brunch is next meal that must be taken 3 hours after the breakfast.
Why the brunch must be 3 hours after the breakfast? Because, our body is made in that way, that the food is passing from the stomach to the intestines in 3 hours, so if we take the right food for breakfast, our stomach is ready for the next meal.
So what we have to take for the brunch or the first snack.
IMPORTANT: Snacks are not meant to be regular meal, but to satisfy our hanger till the lunch.
Lot of people after the breakfast, and depending from the time that the persons has, took something quick, like chocolate, or chips, or even some sandwich. This food is also rich in carbs and salt, so that kind of food is with high insulin coefficient, so it triggers the insulin reaction.  Like we have said in the previous post everything that have over 200 calories is count like meal, and if the calories count is below 200 calories is snack or brunch.  Because the energy must be balanced during the day, for our body to be in the right condition, every energetic food that is rich in simple carbs, is destroying the balance. When the energy balance is impaired, than we are feeling fatigue and sleepiness, we are losing concentration and we are feeling nervous.
For the morning snack or brunch best food is fruit. Few fruits is going to keep the appetite under control, not too much, because, the fruits contain sugar. So the conclusion is that for the snack we take food only to kill our appetite, and to maintain the energy levels on the desirable level.
People that have weight problems, may include also and protein in their snacks, because, the protein will quicken the loss of fat.
I am using yoghurt or protein bars from Herbalife in combination with one fruit. Skimmed yoghurt 250 ml and the protein bar are containing 10 grams of protein and their energetic value is around 130 calories, for the bar, and 160 calories for the yoghurt.

3 hours after the brunch or the first snack, you can take a lunch, or if your lunch is later, you can replace it with second snack.
Second snack is having the same purpose like the first, to kill the appetite till the next meal ( lunch or dinner ).
Second snack should be some vegetables or salad. The fruits should not be used because it can cause bloating. This snack should be below 200 calories.
Also like the first snack, if you want to lose more fat, you can take some food that is containing proteins.
I'm using the Gourmet tomato soup from Herbalife with salad, and this completely satisfying my appetite.
Im changing my life for the better, and together we can change yours life, because, if you want to change the world we should first change us.

For the next post I am going to write for the importance of lunch and what kind of lunch we should have.
Even the trip from 1000 miles is starting with the first step, so what are you waiting for.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Importance of eating habits1

Everybody is talking about healthy living and lot of people think that they are living healthy. They eat lot of vegetables and fruits, do not eat red meat, eat lot of food that is rich in essential amino acids, do not consume saturated and trans fats, but their health is not improving, just opposite it is getting worse.
Why is that? That is because they do not have steady eating habits, and because they are jumping meals. First and most significant part of human feeding is that we have to have 5 - 6 meals a day. Our body is designed like a machine, and it has its own biological clock. We make habits, and that habits we are repeating every day. When we want to make a habit, we repeat it on long enough that is becoming thing that we are doing it without thinking, every day in the same time. That is the same also with feeding habits. We must settle habits for our sake, and we have to do them without thinking. What is important for everyone of us is that we must eat every day in the same time, if it is possible, or to make such a biorhythm that we are doing the things the same way no matter when we had up in the morning. It is the schedule that is going like this:
     -  Breakfast: 1 hour after waking up.
     -  Brunch: 3 hours after breakfast
     -  Lunch :  3 hours after the brunch
     -  Snack : 3 hours after the lunch
     -  Dinner : 3 hours after the snack

Every meal we are going to explain in the next post. Today the most importance we are going to give to the breakfast.
Let me tell you what kind of people are surrounding us.
There is a 2 kind of people. First one are those, that are enjoying in the food, and consume a lot of food with lots of calories, but poor in nutrients. They have a rich breakfast with lot of proteins, carbs and fat, especially saturated fats.
For snacks they also have rich meals with a lot of fats and carbs, and with soft drinks, like chips, pies, chocolate, cakes, cola etc.
Lunches and dinners are also rich in proteins with lot of fats.
Main characteristics of this food is that is with lots of calories but little nutrients, and that is why they are filling hungry. Their body wants vitamins, minerals, fiber, for that, they are eating more, and they are making their condition worse, because they can enter in their bodies up to 5000 calories a day. We all know that to gain 1 kilo of fat we have to take 7500 calories, and the need of our body is:  for women 1000-1200 calories, and for man 1500-2000 calories a day.
They are usually fat and with almost no recreation at all, and they develop lots of diseases that are connected with bad nutrition.
Other kind of people are opposite form the first one.

They are usually skipping meals, they don't have any breakfast, first meal is some kind of fruit 4-5 hours after getting up, after that they eat some salad, and they have dinner usually rich in carbs like pasta. They daily intake of calories is from 500-700 calories, with small amounts that is not enough for daily needs of the body of proteins,carbs and fats. They look slim, but their body composition is very bad. Because they do not take enough food their body is starving, and that is why, their bodies every food that they take, is transferring in to fat. They are loosing their muscles and their metabolism is slowing, that's why they do not have energy for they daily obligations.
These people has one mutual feature, they are destroying their bodies, and their bodies are warned out before their time.
So how we have to eat to make our body healthier???

                                                 Importance of healthy breakfast                                                           

Why the breakfast is so important for us?
Because the breakfast is fueling up our body for the next day, and it is main source of energy for our body. During the night, our body is rebuilding the energy that has been used the day before. Also is building the muscles for more efficient functioning, and it feel up the sarcoplasm with glycogen, the sugar, that muscles are using for their functioning.
 So in the morning our body is all fueled out. If we do not enter the energy that it needs, the body will begin to use up the muscles.
Do you know that if your breakfast is missing, the body is beginning to store fats, because absence of breakfast our body is look on like starving, so it has to storage energy for morning needs. That is why our body every next meal is storing it like a fat.
Breakfast is important for normal functioning of our body, and fat building is determined by the breakfast and its quality.
 This chart is showing how the breakfast is stabilizing, or destabilizing our body energy.
Have you noticed that when you have rich breakfast, 1 hour after you have taken the breakfast, your energy is dropped down, and you must take a coffee or other stimulant that will "wake you up". That is because the heavy breakfast is making big insulin reaction. The sugar level is getting very high, and the insulin is used to quickly drop the sugar levels down. That is very demanding process and it is use energy. That is why we are experiencing big energy drop.  
But this is rising the question, what we should eat for breakfast?
First we have to get know what is meal, and what is a snack?
Meal is from 200 calories and up, and everything that is below 200 calories is known as a snack.

Best breakfast that I use, and never going to quit is Formula 1 Shake from Herbalife. It is most optimized breakfast with 117 nutrients that is feeding up my body with all the important nutrients that I need, and it have only 220 calories. It gives me the energy that I need, and don't make insulins reaction, because is rich in complex carbs, without presence of simple carbs, that is triggering the insulin reaction. It has 17,5 grams of proteins and only 1,5 grams of fat. It has 95-98% consumption rate and it is the only food, together with the mothers milk, with that consumption rate.

     This is the most perfect and balanced breakfast that you are going need, ever. I'm using it and my life has changed since then, because, I don't lose energy, I feel great, it is light meal and its processing is quick, and my body is energized for the rest of the day.
I have witnessed how lot of people have changed their lives, with only changing their breakfast habits.
I want to help people, and I'm helping them by improving their nutrition and their lifestyle.
If you want to change something, first you have to start changing is you.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I am ba-ack

My dear friends, finally I've came back home from longer vacation. Sorry for leaving you without posts, but I hope that I will satisfy you hunger for the news about healthy nutrition.

Let me tell you about my vacation.
Like usual I've used the Herbalife products, but only for breakfast, and my results were stunning, I have lost 6% of fat and gain a 4% of muscle, only in 10 days, and that is excellent. Now, when I have back to my normal life, I'm using the products twice a day, for breakfast and dinner, and I'm using 15 products, that have changed  my body and my health.
These 2 months I have learned that most of the people don't know about Herbalife products, and for that they are trying to eat healthy. They are eat more fruits and vegetables, and lot of thinks that a wide number of nutritionists are recommending, and they have good results, but with a lot of effort. When I introduced to them the Herbalife products, they gladly began using them, and they have a great results. Lot of people want to live healthy life, with a healthy nutrition but they are wandering around the green markets, and they are buying a lot of health products. You, who are reading this post, are in better position from them, because you know that the Herbalife products exist and that the results from using them is great. This summer I have introduced the Herbalife products to many people and they started to eat healthy. When others has seen the changes they have made in their lives, they also wanted to start with that kind of nutrition, so my team has been growing with great speed, and I've become friends with the people that I never known till they decided to start living healthy.
I'm proud that I am helping others to make their health better, and to achieve lifestyle they always wanted.
My new goals are to help as many people I can and to help them to achieve their dreams.
I hope that I have helped you also, and if you are seeing different after visiting my blog, then you are the person that are looking ahead and you never quit until you accomplish your dreams and goals.
My wish for you is to have a great autumn and to start living your dreams.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Helping others for better lifestyle

Why we should help others?
Why we should look after others?
Why we have to educate others about things that we have learned?
Because we have pass that lesions, and we are teaching others not to repeat our mistakes and to make it easier for others to fulfill their goals and dreams. 
What is the meaning of this poster, and what is the purpose of it?
Let me start with the beginning. No I don't mean with "First, there was nothing....." It is too far away from us. I'm Sasko as may know me from the posts from my blog. I'm 37 years old. My life till now was pretty interesting, with lot of ups and downs. My goal is that the line of my life not to be in the flat line, but to have ups and downs, because if it is flat lined than it mean that I'm dead, or like others are death in the spirit from within, and when our soul is dead then it is just matter of time when your body will follow the spirit. 
I want to learn others how to wake up, that their lives are unique and that they are rich in every way, only they have to learn how to use their wealth, how to become leaders.
So how can we help others.
We can help others in lot of ways, like, finding a better way of earning, managing their problems, relations with others, how to make a better health, and finding the real values of the life and the real friends.
So everyone need to start. When we are presented with some opportunity, we are looking it from all sides. 
First, we are taking the positive income from that opportunity, second, the negative consequences from it, and the most critical part from the decision making process is that you can see you implementing the new opportunity in your life or you will be just watcher from aside. 
That is the trickier part. On this part 75% of the people fail. WHY??? 
Because they are all cowards!!! That is why! They are trapped in their comfort zone or also called zone of false security zone. 
  This zone is made by our inner mechanism and it is used as shield against all new opportunities. When something new is on the table, then the first thing we are thinking this is not for me. When we are seeing that others people are earning big money from that opportunity, than most of the people are talking to them that they are lucky and they are there by the chances that has been offered before us. But that all is wrong and it is no truth, that is only the excuses that we are using not to start nothing new. After all the picture is telling all, that all the thing that matter and that counts are outside our comfort zone. So we must exit our comfort zone if we want to change something. the majority of the people don't want to make any changes even if you are growing this to them. That is why they are cowards, because they will start nothing new even if their life is depending on it, but they will start only when bigger number of people that they know will start. The cowards are also known as players on secure things, or they will not start if they know that there is even slightest chance for failure. So the 75% of the people are in that group, if you met 10 people 7 of them will talk with you about everything and he will giving you the advices for it but it will never start nothing. 
We can try help this people but it will be in vain, because they think that they do not need any help and they have perfect life, even if they only speak how everything is hard and you are looking that they hardly making true the month. 
If you try to help to the cowards you will be like Don Kihote fighting the windmills.
The effort put in the helping the cowards will make you only frustrated and you will lose the enthusiasm.
You are obligated to help everybody, but you will estimate who will deserve your attention. 

The most attention that will be needing from us, are the weak. They are not very certain in their abilities, and every failure is getting them closer to giving up, so they need us to make them certain that they can do it anything. It is hard but the end result will bring you great satisfaction. 20% of all the people are in this group. Most of the time that you are going to spend it will be helping them, or 80% of time you are going to helping them. 

The best group for working is the group of the winners, because they will never give up. They are only 5 percents. They are winners and they will be accepting everything that you will be learning them, and they will be first that will use the learned things. They will be using only 20% of your time, but you will be having the best feedback from them. In the work this people will bring you the 80% of the income, with 20% of wasted time. The leaders are also made from this group of people.
 Helping others is not easy task, but it is most fulfilling and it is very satisfying. Everyone is deserving to have all the informations and to be well equipped for every obstacle in their life. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

What right food can do

In this post I will show you the results when yoga are using the right food, combined with the exercise. When you have a goal and you have the right tools and with the food that can make you more focused and ready, then the results are excellent.

What is going to be your next step is one that will determine your future. Everything is in your hands.