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Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 30% off your order! Offer expires 3/27/12.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Biological value of some kind of food

It's believed that the most valuable food that can enter the body is fruit, because it contains an ideal balance of five essential elements that are essential for our bodies: glucose (90%), amino acids (4-5%), minerals ( 3-4%), oily acids ( 1% ) and vitamins ( till1% ). In addition, the fruit, for its digestion does not require additional energy, which means that the fruit is saving energy, and with that helps the body to digest the fruit faster and with no extra processes, that do not fill up the body with toxins,  and its helps the body for better detoxication. It also has the ability to neutralize harmful acids that are formed in biological systems. When we speak about the fruit, that means the fresh fruit from the fresh market, because, due to its delicate nature, cooked and processed fruit completely loses the afore mentioned properties and leads to increased toxicity and acidity of the body. Because of the high water content, fresh tomato and cucumber can be combined with the fruit and can be taken during the period of assimilation and elimination
Before a meal,  the recommended time for intake of fruits and juices is at least 30 minutes before the main meal (never directly after a meal), so the fruits and the food from the main meal do not mix in the stomach. When we are mixing the food with the fruit, it leads to fermentation, in which process our body is losing nutrients, and also hinders digestion and slows down all the processes of absorption. After we have taken the fruit,  the best for our body is to take a cocktail of juices from fresh vegetables - carrots, beets, parsley, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, a small piece of raw potato (especially important not to combine it with fruit). 10 minutes after taking the juice, we can take a fresh salad, and then properly combined meal. Improper food combining can cause improper cycle of assimilation and elimination. When food is properly combined, the organism, can completely process, absorb and utilize all the nutrients from the meal.
Any other food that is not in a group of fruits or vegetables is called concentrated food. Concentrated foods should not be taken at the same time with the fruits or vegetables, because it disrupt digestion. For example: bread (preferably like toast and made ​​from whole grains) can not becombined with potatoes, rice, beans, peas, green beans, pasta, eggs, milk and cheese. This ingredients should not be mixed together. Each of these ingredients can be combinedwith fat (g-refined butter, cold pressed oils, butter, butter from the seeds, sunflower,pumpkin, sesame, peanuts) and raw or boiled vegetables (salads, stews). It is recommended to replace vinegar with lemon juice or apple and other fruit vinegar.
Taking nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, cashews) and seeds (sesame,pumpkin, sunflower, flax, chickpea, apricot, pine seeds) is very important in the proper and healthy diet. This food is very rich in minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and it is enough if we consume it two to three times per week, for about half a cup in quantity. For example: 100 g of sesame seeds contains 630 mg calcium, 282 mg of almonds, walnuts 186 mg and 140 mg sunflower. At the same time 100 g of milk contains 100 mg, andvarious cheeses 250-850 mg, and parsley 245 mg of calcium.
Acceptance of these principles, in particular, their practical application, for an a employed people is hard, but not impossible. It is hard to change anything because of the long-standing habits and the functioning and the views of the whole social system on feeding, and it is difficult to make a significant changes in the diet of the people. For most of the people, change in feeding habits is usually mainly forced by health problems - especially when the medicine is powerless. So to help them selfs, they are looking in the natural way of treatment, in what we are calling an alternative medicine. However, with good will and persistence, especially in the initial period of the organization and preparation of healthy foods, you will get with remarkable results. For the starters, it is recommended that they need to try with the changes during the weekend, when they can spend more time preparing food, when they are relaxed and happy, and when they are not pressed by the clock and their obligations.
The changes must be on all the levels of the person, if we like to make some changes in our lives, and to give us some quality. If change only our feeding habits, when all the problems are gone, if we are not changed, we slowly begin to go beck on our old habits, and we are risking that old condition to recur, in more stronger form from the last condition that we had, and more dangerously for us.
The goal of transition to this diet is the consumption of raw foods, which allows the creation of large amounts of energy in the body. Processed food like cooked, roasted, baked, etc.. loses its natural properties and require larger amounts of food to meet the daily needs.
Try something new and unusual, you will certainly like it, at least partially (if not entirely), because the effects are visible only after one week: you are going to fell lighter, brighter, more dynamic and creative. Once you establish a system of using a raw, fresh and properly combined food, you'll notice a great saving in time required to prepare the food, and that your body will reduce the amount of food that you are going to intake.

Contact me if you want to know more about the biological values of other foods the are not mentioned here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Natural feeding cycles in our body


What is a metabolism? 
Metabolism is process of energy generation and use. 

  This is a metabolism showed in the main strings. The principles are the same and first we have to know the processes how it is taking place in our body to know how to feed us. When we get knowing our body it is easier to make the right diet for maintaining the energy flow of our organisms.
Taking the lighter foods or foods that require less digestive period, is of great importance for us. It is easier  if we are properly fed to maintain our health. Processing of food in the stomach lasts for 1-5 hours, depending on the type of food. Easily digestible foods are processedwithin 1 to 3 hours (rice, fruits, most vegetables, milk, fried eggs), while the bread,boiled potatoes, butter, cheese, boiled eggs, cabbage, meat and fish, it is necessary of 3 up to 5 hours. Digestion in the intestine takes 15-24 hours.
Food that is not fully digested it's difficult to be expelled from the body, leading to a slowing of the metabolism, increasing of the process of fat storage, beginning of becoming overweight and obesity and  intoxication of the organisms. Extensive research has confirmed that the main key to a healthy body and maintaining optimal weight is just regular discharge and release of toxic waste. To achieve this, food should be adapted to the biological processes that are functioning in the organism, or also we calling it living body natural cycles:
1.  Bringing food into the body and its digestion (appropriation) - takes place from noon to 8 pm in the evening.

2.  Assimilation, or absorption and utilization of nutrients takes place from 8 pm to4 am.

3.  The elimination or expulsion of waste from the body - takes place from 4 am until noon.

According to representatives, we must respect the natural functions of the body, and we have to adjust the feeding habits, it is especially important that the food is not taken during a period of assimilation and elimination. So, for the breakfast (elimination period) recommended intake of fresh fruits, especially those with high water content, or natural fruit juices. Also, after 8 o'clock in the evening (time of assimilation) is not recommended to take any other food other than fresh fruit. Otherwise, taking the fruit is always advisable when you feel hungry.

This is showing us how we have to take the energy if we are training during the day.

Contact me if you want to know more about the metabolism of the body and the way of feeding. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012



Food builds, maintains and strengthens our physical body. However, impressions of the senses that we acquire from our environment, and also from our inner world - our thoughts and feelings - are also a kind of food, thanks to which the development of our inner, or spiritual being. And this, so-called subtle foods can be natural or unnatural, healthy foods or unhealthy foods. Whether we are aware or not, our bodies and our whole being has the inherent desire to eat healthy - the external physical and internalspiritual level. These subtle hints that come from inside of our being, unconscious for the years that we can neglect or even ignore them on purpose. But then we face the consequence of violation of natural laws, which is demonstrated through the general dissatisfaction, feelings of frustration, disease and premature aging and deterioration of the organism.

Foods is powering our external senses, and it is important to choose a space and environment that will enable us to live naturally. City bustle and hustle of settlements, in fact, are our unnatural residence, where our contact with the nature is broken, we are loosing the touch with the real world and we are lost and we do not live the way we should live our life. Fresh air, vibration of the nature and the balance of the nature, unpolluted natural environment,mountains and landscapes near the sea, lakes or rivers, places where there are many parks, vast fields, where there is peace and quiet, an ideal abode for man, where we can again make contact with the nature and with the our inner being.
If you practicing sports and physical activity, our body will naturally require a high energy intake of food and proper food choices. Proper and healthy diet means that in its own way of life is necessary to include at least 20 minutes of daily physical activity (exercise, running, cycling, hata yoga, hiking, walking fast) and more like the fresh air, active rest and relax. Our human environment significantly affects our whole life, so it is necessary to orientate the choice of our surrounding, and to operate in harmony with it, which gives us peace, awakens and awareness our the sense of peace and to develop our natural love for the world and people - and those are elements that give us a healthy diet, diet for our spiritual being and for our soul. Therefore, the presence of spiritual, enlightened people in our surroundings is of great importance for the spiritual health and physical development of man.
This is maybe a comical representation of the consequences of the way of life that we are living, but this is our reality and we must change it if we want to change anything. Homer is the example how we are destroying our selfs, how we are destroying our bodies, and our spirit and soul has died as a consequence of abandoning the nature. That the man who has lost the contact with his inner being is almost resilient for any kind of changes. If we want to help someone who is needing our help, we must first wake up his inner being and to make him the fruitful soil for the seeds of changes may grow their roots, and to start rebuilding the lost contact with the nature. Only then the person is ready to start the changes that will bring the quality in their life.

Selection of art, beauty, harmony and peace as a permanent life orientation, both for the individuals and for society as a unity, enables the development of human resources and are the internal leads to perfect health and the prolongation of life, become a reality.
Personal choice in terms of morality, life, living in harmony with the truth, has great influence on the spiritual condition of the individual, which gives rise to a general medical condition of the person. No others, truthfulness, honesty and lack of greed, external and internal purity (purity of body and mind), feelings of gratitude and satisfaction with what we have get from the life, is able to make us to become truly healthy being.
Living the life with the accent to a spiritual one, and releasing from the strings of the dogmas and prejudices expanding our horizons, increasing tolerance and improves communication with the environment. The awareness that we are the ones who choose and decide in what circumstances we are living, and our continuous commitment to positive living, is determining our environment, conditions in which we are working, and in the broadest sense of the moral, social and political framework in witch we are living.
In fact, the root of all diseases lies in the psychological state of the individual, in his or her exposure to stressful situations caused by taking a spiritual junk food. The most important thing is to have an awareness that we can change, and everything depends on us.
Removal of all negative thoughts and feelings out of our system (a lie, hate, envy,malice, meanness, hypocrisy, fear, depression), which are actually unhealthy food for our spirit, and consciously develop noble thoughts and qualities such as selflessness, service others, compassion, serenity, courage, joy and good cheer - that are actually healthy for our minds, can become the true key to the whole of our health and joy of living.
Try it with full awareness and faith, healthy eating becomes your everyday life and the principle of a healthy life in general. Change your habits and you enter a novelty in our life. You will be surprised how much joy, spontaneity and satisfaction may bringattention to their own being, both physically and on the spiritual, psychological and mental level.
This way of living is real wellness and the real wellness is not only using a healthy food. Wellness is meaning that we must live healthy in every our segment of life, because not only the food is making us. Food is the material for building our bodies. When we build the house, the bricks and the cement are not only thing that is used for it. We can not live in empty house. So only the food can not build us, if we do not build our selfs from within us, there is no food that may help us to improve our relationship with our surroundings, and no food may improve the relationship with other persons.
So, if we do not like our life, we must change it, from the way you look on the world, to the way of relation with everything and every other person in you life.
Contact me if you want to know more how to make a significant changes in your life, and how to make your life fulfilled with quality, together we can make a miracles. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Basic principles of healthy food

Proper and healthy food has become one of the most important problems of modern man. In the modern family, in which both parents are employed, because of lifestyle and habits acquired, women and man are not able to organize the time, so they do not have time to devote to their health and feeding habits, so they must eat in hurry and eat the junk food that is always present around us, and it saving us time for food preparation.
 We who are lucky enough to grow up with our grandmothers who are not employed, we know the value of carefully prepared food and the real value of healthy feeding.
Our health, creativity, efficiency and our mood are directly connected to our feeding habits. Proper and healthy diet helps the individuals to more easily cope with the life's difficulties and to protect us from many physical and mental illness. Healthy diet in the families is resulting with better and more regular spiritual development of the children and more joy, happiness and love in communication and community life.
If you want to change something in your life and nutrition, if you want to discover and select very simple principles, products and recipes for better life.

From the ancient times it is known that we are what we are eating, because everything that exist on our planet has its own vibration and impact of the environment. So, from what we take into our body depends on the functioning of our whole system, our thoughts and feelings, behavior, attitude toward the entire life course and our health.
Like Hippocrates had said, "Your food will be thy medicine", and after decades of researches made by modern medicine, came to conclusion that some diseases, precisely over 70% of known diseases are food related.
Healthy foods are foods that does not contain too much protein and fat (especially animal fats, the kind found in meat, eggs, cheese, fish), and is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - and that is plant-based foods, fruits, whole grains, seeds. 
The First Book of Moses, called Genesis, says: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb that bears seed over the earth and all native tree bearing seed, it will be for food." (Genesis 1:29 <D>)
Taking the variety of food, but properly combined, has a crucial importance for proper nutrition. To have healthy body and to function normally, we all need to intake all the ingredients necessary for the renewal of cells in which a more ideal quantities. Not every organism is the same and does not require the same ratio of nutrients, so it is so necessary to  "listening" our body, working with it and respect its needs. If we were able to meet and monitor the needs of our body and that in accordance with the food, to avoid disease and aging. Intake of food (especially intaking of great quantities of meat and dairy products) and the wrong attitude towards food, we unconsciously poison and destroy our bodies and shorten our natural life and health span.
To be fed properly, it is very important that you follow the appropriate time for a meal and do not eat uncontrollably, at any time, without thinking. However, we should not skip meals and bring the body into a state of malnutrition, because it then leads to the destruction of certain brain cells, the instability of the nervous system and reduce the resistance of the whole organism.
Contact me if you want more information about healthy feeding.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Importance of breakfast

British nutritionists worked together with physiologist and psychiatrist, and have proven that the breakfast can affect not only the physical condition of the man, but also his mental balance.
 It is known that the breakfast should not be missed because it affects the overall metabolism of the organism, that we are energized actively functioning. According to experts, the consumption of food in the morning helps the body to increase resistance to stressful situations.
The research is made over people fro different ages, including children. the results showed next:
 the people that consumed every morning food, were 59% with lower sensitivity to a stressful situations in the day, opposite the people that had not have the food in the morning.
According the experts, breakfast is important but, also important is what kind of food we are consuming for breakfast.
For children it is advised that the breakfast should be rich in proteins - milk, whey and sugars in form of grains, that are complex sugars and they are slowly resorbing in the blood and do not make a quick insulin reaction like in food with simple sugars. Also you have to include a fruits and vegetables 3 hours after the breakfast. General recommendations are less salt, less simple sugars and spices in the child food.

The experiment involved and several groups of women witch were put on different diets, As best and most healthy for the body and simultaneously preserving the body weight is a particular diet that includes in breakfast protein shakes also known as supplementary meals. Despite this advantages, this breakfast is also regulating and normalizing the blood sugar levels, and balancing the metabolism of the body.

Contact me if you want to know more about the best meals that will change your life for better.