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Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to be in great health

The road toward great health
After decades of researches, modern medicine has came to an conclusion that the cause of 70% of  diseases of modern man are food related. Improper diets, especially, the wrong choices and wrong combination of foods, are causing in the human body processes that affect the physical and spiritual health of man. Many diseases are caused by deficient nutrition, and inadequate intake of essential nutrients, mainly vitamins and minerals.
It is necessary for us to take more than 114 nutrients daily for normal functioning of our organism and for good health: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, water. 
The food groups in which most of the nutrients are found are found in fruits and vegetables, bread and cereals, milk and milk products, meat and fats, and legumes.
In a completely useless and even harmful foods are all sweetened carbonated drinks or soft drinks, especially coca cola, then chips, all artificial sweets and similar products.
The greatest problem of modern mankind is in its improper diet and its excessive intake of sugar, using  to fat and salty food, not enough time for preparing of food, especially cooking, and lack of quality meals made of vegetables, that are used for intake of complex carbohydrate, neglect and ignorance about the value and necessity of consuming and using of the food as raw, especially fruits and vegetables, consuming of white flour that with poor nutrient content, using of white sugar instead of natural sweeteners, insufficient intake of seeds - almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower, tickles, sesame, peanuts with which we take the essential fats etc. Production of artificial food, chemical and pesticide usage in particular contribute to the emergence and development of diseases of modern times.
Fats and grease are securing the necessary fatty acids for growth and calories that provide energy for our body. However, excessive intake of fats creates excess calories that the body is depositing in the form of fat - the fat is causing obesity, cardiovascular problems, stroke and cancer.
It is important to know that 1 g of fat = 7,5 calories, and usually says:
- Fat remains on the plate for 3 seconds,
- In the mouth for 30 seconds,
- In the stomach 30 minutes
- In the arteries for 30 years.
According to the regulations of the World Health Organization, fat in the children diet for the daily use must not exceed 30%. In adults, especially the older one, the percentages of the fat should be reduced to a minimum, and to take the foods that provide normal functioning of the organism and minimum intake of trans fats . The especially harmful fats are the fats of animal origin.
Foods containing a high percentage of fat: butter, cheese, mayonnaise, fried potatoes, oil, drinks, whole milk, salad dressing, chocolate, ice cream, nuts, sweets.
It is recommended to take a GI, purified butter, vegetable fat in moderate quantities and food which does not contain fat, but it the provides the body with protein, energy and calories needed: leguminous vegetables, corn, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, apples , pears, rice, bread, wholemeal pasta, skim milk, yogurt.

Besides the choices that we are making for the foods, also it is important how the food is prepared: Instead of fried and baked on grease and oil, it is better the food to be stewed, cook and cook on the GI or the cold pressed oil, with a little water. The meal will be healthier and tastier, not just in terms of our habits, but also by the awareness and attitude towards the food and the health of our body.

Sugars are used by the body for fast production of energy, and if it is large quantities our bodies produce fat. In most of the times with the so called junk food we are taking simple carbohydrates, that are quickly absorbed and they increase the amount of sugar in the blood, and they are triggering the mechanism of quick insulin reaction, and the amounts that can not be used as energy, are immediately deposed as fats, and this sugars do not stay long in the blood, so this is the energy of short duration, and we again are filling the hunger, and for that reason we are taking all day mainly sugar, and we are  filling so tired and exhausted. This is the main reason for the occurrence of obesity (because the excess sugar in the body turns to fat), then, tooth decay, high blood pressure, leading to the destruction of calcium (disability and deformities) and other diseases.
1 g of sugar = 4 calories.
In order to prevent excessive intake of sugar, we should avoid sweets, canned fruit, ice cream, jelly, chocolate and creams, pudding, cakes, pies, bread and pasta. We should be taking a fresh fruit (before meals), unsweetened natural juices and natural unsweetened jams and compotes. It is important to reduce the amount of sugar in recipes, and completely exclude the white sugar. As a replacement to use malt (barley malt), natural honey, dried fruit (grapes, plums, figs, apricots, dates), carob and brown sugar and yellow sugar.
It is especially important to avoid food that contains "hidden sugar", which are primarily sweetened carbonated drinks with Coca-wheel in the first place, then, chocolate milk, cream, candy, various pastries, pies etc.
Excessive intake of sugar leads to an imbalance in the body, inertia, apathy and constant need for sugar.

Salt is regulating the fluids in the body, more precisely, in the cells  and around them or it is regulating the exchange of the nutrients and waste.

Salt should be taken in moderate quantities, not more than 3 grams daily. Recommended taking the soy sauce, sea salt or Himalayan.
Excessive amounts of salt causes high blood pressure, stroke, heart problems, kidney disease and swelling of the whole organism, because it binds with water.
All natural food contains a certain amount of salt, and if it is prepared properly, the meal can retains the salt, minerals and vitamins. Because of that we do not need to add additional salt to the food. The salt is hidden and it is found in many products.
The hidden sources of salt are: soup cubes, spices, sauces ready meal, pickles and other pickle vegetables, olives, salted biscuits, peanut butter, baking soda, baking powder, medicines.
In order to avoid excessive intake of the salt, it is necessary to accustom the body to small amounts. Reduce salt added during food preparation, minimize the use of semi-finished and finished food and feed, reduce the amount of spices, cheese, we should be using raw foods or frozen vegetables, which in itself already contains some quantities of salt and minerals.
Maybe I'm repeating some facts, but I must tell them because those are very important facts, and those are life changing facts. If everyone is knowing how easy is to live healthy, and how easy is to change your life, you will be everyday looking for some new way to improve your life and your habits. I'm changing my life on everyday basis and I'm trying to improve the lives of the people that are around me,
I want to give others the filling of joy and the happiness, and my wish for everyone is that we are going together to change our lives, to find the way for growing, and not to be limited by anything or anyone. We together are going to make a success, who wants to be on the top, join me, and we are going to touch the skies.  

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