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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Water and its importance

There is one ingredient  that we take for granted, but it importance transcends the importance of all others. It is simple, pure water. We know that, the man can starve 40 days, and also there were even experiments where people were put 100 days of starvation, but without a water we can not withstand even 10 days. Insufficient intake of water, slowly and unnoticeably change physiology of the organism and leads us to a number of chronic degenerative changes of tissues and organs. Believe it or not, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, allergies and asthma may be due to constant dehydration.
Modern man lives under the illusion that he can not dehydrate, because the water is always at his hand - enough to turn the tap. However, the neglecting the pure water, and our replacing  it with "liquid" as we like to call coffee, alcohol, various "colas" and juices, inevitably leads to dehydration, because,  this so called drinks or liquids can't replace clean water in that our body needs for everyday processes. And consummation of the "replacements" for water that we use are constantly using, unfortunately, at the end it leads toward the loss of sense of thirst, and then we are mixing it with the a sense of hunger,  and instead of drinking water we eat - which is disastrous for our organism. To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to establish a conscious discipline to drink 1 liter of water per 25 kilograms of your weight a day, even if we think that we are not thirsty.
For example, my weight is 100 kilos, and I use a 4 litters of water a day.
We are also asking ourselves  what kind of water we are using and we are always wondering about the quality so the main question is asked:

Pure spring water would be the best choice - if it is available. Unfortunately, in modern conditions, and the place of living in the cities, where we are far away from the springs, it is not possible . 

Bottled water, even if it comes from the cleanest sources, has artificial flavor, which gives it the packaging itself. Not only the taste is changed, unfortunately, the plastic is releasing the macromolecules in the water, and they are also acting in negative manner and is affecting our health. So I recommend that you do use water from the tap, if it is possible, or filtered, but structured in such a way that makes it much healthier. One of the ways of structuring the water is freezing and thawing again the water, with trowing the portions of the water in which is retaining harmful substances, that precipitate on the bottom of the bottle where we have freeze the water. Another way that you might prefer the mentality of modern man who still does not have time to implement long-term procedure is used impulsed magnetic filter , it is put on water tap, and works the same way as it was frozen and then thawed. We have to look for the quality of the water that we are drinking, because, it responsibility is to make a an ambient for the chemical processes that are making non stop in our body, and if we don't use clean water ( chemically clean ) the processes could be disturbed or even changed, and that is acting very bad for our health.

Like we have said in the upper part of the post, for optimal functioning of the organism it is necessary that we must have proper fluid intake, especially water. It is known that the earth surface is 70% of water, and that the human body is also made ​​of 75% water. To maintain your health, it is logical that we should take products that contain a big percentage of water (70%), and those products are fruit and vegetables. Scientifically proven that a man is a omnivore. This mean that we must eat everything, and our diet must be mainly from plants, and smaller portion must be from the animal products, because, we must take essential vitamins and amino acids that can not be found in plant product food.
As I have said in this post, man needs a litter of water for every 25kilos.

Water should be taken between meals, after the meal is the best time for it, but if it is necessary you may take it before , and during the meals. If we take the water during the meals, the processes for processing the food is weakened, because, it dilutes gastric acid, witch is necessary for proper digestion of food. However, if during the day we take enough food with a high levels of water, beverages will not be needed at all. 2.2 L of water per day we excreted through the kidneys. Also important for the regulation of body water is taking  sufficient amount of salt, because, salt binds water in the body. Adult man with average weight is necessary to take a 3.5 g of salt per day. Proper and healthy diet includes a limited, and preferably complete renunciation of beverages such as coffee, strong tea, alcoholic beverages, rarely we can take the milk, chocolate, ice cream and candy. If someone is drinking coffee, it should be drink only in the afternoon, teas should be herbal, and milk, chocolate, ice cream and sweets need to be taken on empty stomach.
The Vedas (ancient Indian scriptures) say: "Food is the breath we exhales; food is the breath of life that we breathe." Therefore, the relationship and attitude with the food and awareness of the inseparability of the food with us is very important. The way of thinking and awareness that in your body we are taking the life, energy, vitality and positive vibrations, and we will depend on our choice of food products. The idea that we are healthy, consciously avoiding stress and enjoying the food, it affects the whole health. Respect for food and performing prayers or meditation, or whatever anti stress program you are using,  before each meal will help to balance our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. Aesthetic served food and cozy ambiance also contribute to the overall positive effect that food has in our lives.

Contact me if you want to know more about the water importance for our health.

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