Vitamins are labeled from A to U, and their assimilation and effect in the body is directly linked to a specific minerals. Six basic minerals that our body needs and it is necessary for normal functioning are: calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, and essential minerals are: biotin, chlorine, chromium, copper, potassium, niacin, selenium. Vitamins and minerals act combined, and without the minerals the body can't use any vitamin. Vitamins are natural substances that are naturally found in different kind of foods. The needs of our bodies for each of the vitamins are different,so we need to take a diverse kind of food, to fulfill our needs for vitamins and minerals, or like it is said lately we have to eat food full of colors.
The following table provides an overview of the foods which contain certain vitamins and minerals, as well as the conditions that may occur from the lack of these nutrients in the body:
name Located in It is good for treatment of
Vitamin A Carrots, green and yellow vegetables, Poor vision, ocular discomfort, and
eggs, yellow fruits, milk and milk night blindness, respiratory
products compliance, poor immunity
Vitamin B1 Dry yeast, rice bran, whole wheat, Problems with the nerves, heart
peanuts, vegetables, wheat bran, milk problems
Vitamin B2 Milk, yeast, cheese, leafy green Poor quality of hair, nails and bad
vegetables, eggs eyesight
Vitamin B6 Brewer's yeast, bran, wheat germ, Anemia, nervous disorders, leg
cantaloupe, cabbage, milk, cramps, night cramps
eggs (thermally unstable)
Vitamin B12 Eggs, milk, cheese Nerves, poor concentration, balance
Biotin Nuts, fruits, brewer's yeast, egg yolk, Muscular problems, baldness, white
wholemeal rice, milk hair
Copper Beans, peas, prunes, whole wheat Anemia, tumor
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, berries, and leafy green Makes collagen which restores body
vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, tissue, gums, blood vessels,
honey (thermally unstable and bones, teeth,
reacting to light) heals wounds, burns, lowers
cholesterol, helps iron
Zinc Wheat germ, seeds, eggs, mustard, Nails, spots
milk powder
Vitamin D Milk and milk products Rickets, softening of bones,
conjunctivitis, bleeding teeth
Vitamin E Soybeans, wheat germ, vegetable oils, Slows cell aging, durability,
cake, green spinach, whole grains, relieves fatigue, dissolves
eggs, (sensitive to low temperatures) blood clots, cure burns,
relieves spasms in the legs and
Vitamin F Vegetable oils, flax, sunflower, soy, The skin, hair
peanuts, walnuts, almonds, avocados
Phosphorus Whole grains, eggs, seeds, nuts Energy and power, gums, teeth
Folic acid Carrots, yeast, egg yolks, melon, Makes red blood cells, protects
apricots, pumpkin, beans, avocado, against food poisoning,
whole wheat, black rye flour relieves pain, increases appetite,
prevents anemia, seems
beneficial to the skin
Iron Yolk, nuts, beans, oats, dried peaches Resistance to diseases , fatigue,
Chlorine olives Welding, flexibility, hair loss, loss of
Lame corn oil Lowers Blood Pressure
Iodine onions Hair, teeth, skin, mental activity,
thyroid gland
Vitamin K Yogurt, alfalfa, egg yolk, soybean oil, Prevents internal bleeding,
leafy green vegetables blood clots
Calcium Whole grains, bran, wheat sprouts, The construction of cells, bones,
green vegetables, nuts, milk and teeth, nervous system,
dairy products, nuts, sunflower, sesame, heals wounds, builds antibodies
soybeans, peanuts prevents fatigue
Potassium Citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes, Allergies, regulates blood pressure
apple vinegar, lettuce, mint, sunflower,
dried apricots, bananas, potatoes
Magnesium Figs, lemons, grapefruit, corn, almonds, Nerves, muscles, converts
apples, seeds, nuts, dark green vegetables blood sugar into energy, heart,
Selenium Bran, wheat germ, onion, tomato, cake, Tissue
Brazil nut
This are the foods and the vitamins and minerals that are found in them. In the next post I will be writing how the vegetables and fruits should be processed to keep all the nutrients in it.
Contact me if you want to know more about how to live healthy.
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