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Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 30% off your order! Offer expires 3/27/12.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Diseases caused by improper diet

Along coming with the stress, with what has modern humanity faced last decades, one of the main causes of the extremely large number of diseases are, above all, improper diet. Among the most widespread disease of modern times are:
- Obesity 
- Diabetes 
- High blood pressure 
- Atherosclerosis 
- Heart attack 
- Stroke 
- Caries 
- Allergies 
- Anemia 
- Degenerative Diseases 
- The acidity of the body 
In addition with the improper nutrition, the occurrence and development of these diseases also is affected by both excessive and uncontrolled chemicals, that is used in the process of growing and processing food.

Obesity is defined as the increase in body weight in relation to ideal weight by 15%. That means, if the ideal weight is 50 kg, and a person has a body weight of 57.5 kg, this person is considered obese. Working abilities of an obese person is decreased from 20-60%, with what it becomes a problem with great significance for the society.

Diabetes mellitus - Diabetes  occurs due to lack of insulin in the body, which is produced in the pancreas gland. Insulin ensures that the sugar, as nutrient, is reaching every cell in the body, and the cells gain the energy needed for the functioning of the organism. As the main causes of diabetes are considered as stress and obesity

High blood pressure - hypertension occurs when the heart is unable to carry out the normal functioning of blood and oxygen to the tissues and organs, due to obstacles that arise in the arteries. Overcoming the resistance, the heart due to narrowness of the blood vessels, brittleness, stiffness and reduced elasticity of veins and arteries, stress the heart and eventually lead to a weakening of the ebbing of the heart muscle. Hypertension is the cause for many diseases of modern mankind, which shorten human life, and high blood pressure also got the name "silent killer". The main causes of these diseases are obesity (conditioned by improper diet), smoking, alcohol and coffee, psychic tension, lack of movement and physical activity, occupational overwork, worry, conflict, lack of rest, and genetic factors. The most common symptoms are headaches in the region of the neck, restlessness, drowsiness, dizziness, tinnitus, and a loss of sight.
This are the changes on some organs that are caused by high blood pressure

Atherosclerosis is one of the most common consequence of high blood pressure, and occurs when high blood pressure is not treated, so it is resulting with a loss of elasticity of the walls of arteries. Fat that normally circulate in the body, more quickly is pushed into the blood vessel walls  and can be compared with rust formed on the iron. Fats, especially by animal origin, and other external factors, is affecting the formation rate of these deposits.

Heart attack occurs when there is a blockage of arteries supplying the heart with blood and no blood flow in to the heart muscle. When it comes to a complete stop of blood flow to the heart or its individual parts, then the results is damage or complete destruction of heart muscle.

Stroke is also a consequence of high blood pressure, because there losing of the elasticity and a hardening of cerebral vessels. This is most common at men between the 46th and 55 year. First, it is manifested as dull pain in the head, then dizziness, and even insomnia, general malaise, the emergence of pessimism and depression.From ten thousand people between 45 and 46 years of age that had stroke, 1000 die, or 10%.

Cancer occurs when normal cell division stops, and the cells are dividing without pattern, and the whole cell change it structure and functionality that the cells are not longer capable to do their normal function. It is important to detect disease at an early stage of formation, while the changes are not extended to the other parts or the body. There is a very large number of different types of cancer. Some researchers believe that cancer occurs due to large intake of protein in the body by the food, and that it is made so called body in to the body, that is using all the food only for the growing of the cancer, so the health part of the body is having troubles to maintain the functionality due the increased nutrient usage by the fast growing cancer cells. Proper nutrition has a major impact on reducing the incidence of this disease.
Cancer cells, you can see the difference between the healthy cells( green ) and the cells that has lost their structure and are growing fast ( the red cells )

Caries occurs primarily as a result of excessive sugar intake. The carbohydrates, bacteria and plaque deposits,  attack tooth enamel and cause cavities. It is also important to know that taking sugar and carbohydrates accelerates the changes of the tooth enamel, and that is why we should not give to the children sweets and artificial drinks. Tooth brushing and oral hygiene reduces the risk of caries.

Allergies occur as a result of embrittlement of the body and inability to confront the modern pollutants, chemicals, artificial production in all spheres of life. They are very widespread and common in all age groups and age categories. Especially is increased in children. Also its relation with diet is significant, because of the level of immunity of the organism following the malnutrition, is very big. When with the food we take all the nutrients that our body needs, there is a lot of cases that the allergies where cured. Also the disease that is widely spreading among the children, and the people that have a long history of allergies is ASTHMA or bronchial allergic asthma.

Anemia occurs due to the reduced number of red blood cells or the number of molecules of hemoglobin. Usually it is as a consequences due to a lack of iron or folic acid in the body, and also vitamins B6 and B12 and copper can cause it, but less often. Common symptoms are: fatigue, malaise, lack of energy, trouble concentrating, no ability to warm their hands and feet, susceptibility to infection and disease development due to embrittlement of the organism. More common in women than in men, particularly in the transitional era.

Degenerative diseases like allergies, are diseases caused by excessive use of the chemicals and pollution of the environment, the food, air and etc. Significant increase of these diseases are noticeable the places where is used the chemicals for food production and processing. The degenerative diseases are more expressed in younger children and children of school age.

Acidity levels of our bodies (pH factor) is one of the most widespread, little known, hidden diseases of the modern mankind, which causes increases, and many of the above mentioned problems. Particularly affects of the occurrence of persistent and very durable - Candida albicans. The concept of pH factor has been known for thousands of years, and it is based on the theory that human health is directly related to and it depends on the level of acidity - alkalinity to the body. If the body is too acidic, or there is no balance, then there is a disorders that are manifested in the form of a large number of diseases. In determining the state of the body, urine saliva and blood is being tested. The optimum pH of the morning urine and saliva is 7.0, while of the blood is from 7.3 to 7.4. Everything below that point is considered as a metabolic acidity. If the urinary pH value is below 6.4, then the body can not use the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The most common symptoms of acidity of the body are: acne, muscle aches, fatigue, joint pain, anxiety and depression, constipation, a strong smell of urine, white tongue, difficulties in the morning and feeling tired. Stronger symptoms are: depression, memory loss, loss of concentration, sweating, susceptibility to an bacterial infection (staphylococcus and streptococcus), sinusitis, fungal infections (Candida, athlete's foot), cystitis, stronger hair fall, Diarrhea, Allergies, spinal pain, a strong need for sweets, inability to lose excess pounds.
Foods that cause the increase of alkalinity in the body (must be  represented with 80% of food intake of the daily diet): water, vegetables - cabbage, celery, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, broccoli, beans, onions, spinach, lettuce, green beans, peas, fruit - apples, apricots, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, tangerines, pears, peaches, lemons, melons, oranges, pineapple, grapes, grapefruit, raspberry, then, almonds, millet, malteks, dried figs, urme, raisins. 
Foods that cause the increase in acidity of the body: all kinds of meat and fish, all kinds of bread and flour, all kinds of spaghetti and macaroni, milk products (butter, yogurt, cheese), all types of grains except millet, all types of lenses, dry peas, all types of seeds except almonds and tickles, all kinds of sugar, chocolate, biscuits, honey, eggs, yeast, plums, pumpkins, olive oil, all kinds of rice, all kinds of soft and alcoholic drinks, all kinds of corn chips and snacks. 
If any of the symptoms mentioned above are more pronounced, it is necessary to immediately begin with the choosing of foods, solely with alkaline effects, and after two weeks, the effects are visible, which is manifested by the weakening or even disappearance of some symptoms. Most of the people who have the disorder, and most of the symptoms are present, therefore it is necessary quickly to consult with your nutritionist or wellness coach to give the treatment, or to contact the doctor if the symptoms are more severe, in order to prevent the occurrence of serious disorders: cancer, chronic illness, disease, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, leukemia and lot of other diseases.

Contact me if you want to change your diet, or to make your life better and more healthier. 

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