
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Joy or sorrow

  My friends, you are choosing what and how is going to be yours life. To be filled with joy or to be empty and filled with sorrow for missed chances. For every closed door new one is opening, but if you are regretting for the closed one, even the new one may be closed. I met lot of people that has nothing in their lives, but still they don't do anything to change it, quite contrary, they blame it everyone for their condition. When you give them a chance to change something in their lives, they began to justify that this is not for me, I couldn't do it, everybody is against me and they will do anything to stop me to progress, and much more. You can't imagine what kind of excuses they are making just not to start.

That is all result of fear, fear from changes, fear from success, fear that others will laugh at you, fear of rejection, fear of failure. All that fear is reason to people to find all those silly excuses. 75% of the people wont do anything if you offer them a chance. They are willing to do nothing, and for their condition they will blame everybody. Why is that? Because they never took the responsibilities for their life, and they never make a step for better or for worse, because if they make a decision, than they can't blame others for their misery. They have a flock mentality, and do the things that others only do.
I always find a way to make my life more beautiful and better, I always jump on any chance that is good for me and for the others around me. My surrounding always have an opinion and always try to discourage me in any way. That is also flock mentality, because if someone is trying to get out from the flock, other members will do anything to get it back. When they can't do it, and if you make some success, they never going to congratulate you, just opposite, they want to disdain your success, and they will talk that luck, or help from some force is helping you to achieve your goals. They are doing that, just to justify their fear. They want to be rich, but with luck or even with a fraud.
That kind of people are better in misery. If by some chance they get a big amount of money, they will destroy their lives, because they are programed only to be miserable.
They can start changing n better only something bad or shocking hit them.
I'm writing this, because, I know that this blog read only people that want to make their life better, and want to change something in their lives. You are on the right place, where you can learn a better way of living and success.

I'm writing this to encourage you not to quit, because from 100 people that surounds you, 75% will try to kill your enthusiasm and they will feel better because it will show to them that you are same as they.
I knew a people that started to change their lives, but after lot of effort and rejection has quit, but I have also know a people that succeed, because they persisted in their efforts. They have fulfilled their goals and now they are living their dreams.
I know that we can together achieve a lot, I will be your strength, your supporter, your guide true the forest of problems and obstacles, and together we are going to touch the stars.
Joy or sorrow is you choice, if you are going to be successful or failure is depending only on you. Grab your life, and don't let others to tell you how to live your life.              

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