
Friday, October 12, 2012

Why we must use dietary supplements

Supplements is becoming very important feature in modern man diet. First to know why we need supplements, we have to look in our food, and availability of the nutrients in that food.
For example, in 1985 the levels of vitamin C in apple was enough for our daily needs, but only 10 years later in 1995 the amount of apples that we have to eat to take the same amount of vitamin C was 5. Now we must eat at least 10 apples to take the right amount of the vitamin C for our daily needs. 
Even the World Health Organization ( WHO ) announced that if we want with our food to take all the needed nutrients, we have to consume over 5000 calories of food. And we know that, 1 kilo of fat is 7500 calories. Results are displayed on us very quick. Overweight and Obesity is result of malnutrition and starving of our bodies for the right nutrients. If our body don't take all the nutrients, it is feeling hungry. That is also why the meal portions are becoming bigger every year.
The soil is poorer every year with the nutrition elements that the plants need for the creation of the nutrients that we need. Something is back via artificial fertilizers, but the deficiency of micronutrients and big yields that is needed for growing population of the earth is even more impoverishes the poor soil. That is why the nutrition of our grandparents are more richer and less demanding. Also the quick way of life and the stress are destroying the low level nutrients.
That is why we need dietary supplements to be taken daily.   

Lot of people, including me till the last december, are strictly against the supplements. Why???
Because they are saying that with the food that we are eating we can take all the nutrients that our body needs, and the pills are creates resentment to them, like it was to me till the last december. I was the first against the supplements in pills, and I have a lot of health problems, like increased cholesterol and fat in the blood, high blood pressure, chronic gastritis, lack of energy, sleepiness, I ate big amounts of food and I had 135 kilograms, and lot more. But I was convinced that the supplements are bad for our health. In december, when I couldn't tie my shoes, and I had pains in my chest, I realized that I had to change something in my eating habits, and to change my life completely. When I start to use Herbalife I didn't realize that is going to change my life and my health. In 3 months, all of the symptoms have been gone, and I feel excellent, and never going to stop using the dietary supplements, because from december, I even haven't catch a cold in this 10 months. My blood is in great condition and my body too.
I am using 12 products from the Herbalife, and every month I add new. 
Why we have to be sick to start using something that is good for us, why we have to be on the rock bottom to start changing something? If we accept the changes it will be more easier for us. 
I am now the greater promotor of the dietary supplements, because it saved my life.
Change your life before it is too late, we have new  body every 11 months, so what we have ruined with bad nutrition during the years, we can change in 1 year, and it is short time, and it is going to prolong your life, it will bring happiness in your life and it is going to change everything on better. 
Everybody need quality nutrition. The most needed category is our children, because they are growing, for healthy growing, and to increase their immunity.
So not only our health is on stake, also the health of our dearest and their future.
The decision is yours, I have made may decision and i know that is right for me and for my family.


  1. This is fantastic. I prefer to be more natural based.

    1. I'm also agree with you, and I can asure you that on the market you can find natural suplements made of natural ingredients. The thing is that, even WHO is teling us that naturaly grown fruits and vegetables, because of their industrial kind of growing and insuficiency of the main elements in the soil, the end product is lacking off minerals and vitamins. So if you like to enter all the ingridients that your body need in one day you must take around 5500 calories a day. We know that daily needs for womens are around 1000-1300 calories, and for man are 1500-2000 calories per day, simple mathematics is saing that we are going to enter around 3000 empty calories in our body a day. 7500 calories is value of 1 kilo of fat. This is simple mathematics, in 3 days you will gain 1 kilo of fat if you eat all " natural "ingridients. I'm speaking this from my personal experience. With using only natural food I've gained around 25 kilograms of fat. In the last year and a half I have lost 23 kilograms of fat simply by adding a suplements in my diet. So it is simple and I am a living proof of that.

    2. I'm also agree with you, and I can asure you that on the market you can find natural suplements made of natural ingredients. The thing is that, even WHO is teling us that naturaly grown fruits and vegetables, because of their industrial kind of growing and insuficiency of the main elements in the soil, the end product is lacking off minerals and vitamins. So if you like to enter all the ingridients that your body need in one day you must take around 5500 calories a day. We know that daily needs for womens are around 1000-1300 calories, and for man are 1500-2000 calories per day, simple mathematics is saing that we are going to enter around 3000 empty calories in our body a day. 7500 calories is value of 1 kilo of fat. This is simple mathematics, in 3 days you will gain 1 kilo of fat if you eat all " natural "ingridients. I'm speaking this from my personal experience. With using only natural food I've gained around 25 kilograms of fat. In the last year and a half I have lost 23 kilograms of fat simply by adding a suplements in my diet. So it is simple and I am a living proof of that.

  2. There are a number of dietary sources that provide plenty of protein, including milk and milk products, where to buy pure natural forskolin
