Like I said in the last post, obesity is our choice, but, when we look our self in the mirror, and we can not stand the reflection that we see, the first thing we are doing is cut all food intake. We cut the meal, eat small portions of food with low level of nutrients. That is one of the biggest mistakes that we can made. Why, it is effective, all peoples who had tried the diet with small amounts of food will said that. How effective? If you count the loss of kilos, yes it is effective, but if you look the changes of the body structure, than we all see that it is all in vain. Why? Because when you are not getting all the nutrients from the food, our body take the nutrients from our self, and that process is called auto cannibalism, or the process when the body begin to use the muscle protein to make the nutrients that are not present in the food. Thats why we lost weight. We do not loose the fat, we loose the muscles. And when we start with normal eating, the body needs a lot of energy, and that need is driving us to eat food with lot of sugar. The process of gaining fat is even faster than loosing the muscles, and you are gaining kilos very quickly. This effect is also called YO-YO effect. And like lot of magic circles in our life, this is also one of them, we repeat it 2-3 times a year, and when you look in 5 years, you have gained 30-40 kilos of fat.

Low nutrients diet is lot worse than obesity, because, you are exhausting the body, and then we are becoming more susceptible to the other diseases. In that situation our body is with very low immunity, and allergies and asthma become additional torturer of our body. Also and diabetes is coming on the front door.
Everything that we are doing right now, and it is not change of the diet is making things more worse. So you are forced to start using healthy food, if you like to make your life better.
What and how to use the healthy food, will be the theme of the next post.
In the meantime you can
contact me for more information about the negative sides of the low nutrients diet.
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